
SereneDreams03 t1_j7vpbia wrote

How exactly would this fuck up our state? It actually sounds like a pretty beneficial program, and it pushes the cost of recycling back on distributors instead of the current system in Washington where we, the consumers, have to pay for the cost of recycling handling fees and pickups.


SereneDreams03 t1_j26c89w wrote

I've traveled quite a bit and lived in multiple different parts of the world. Yet, I enjoy the weather in Western Washington more than anywhere else I've been. It's fairly mild, rarely gets too hot, or too cold. We have plenty of rain to keep things green, but our summers are absolutely beautiful. We get enough snow to make things interesting every once in a while, but not so much that we have to deal with it all winter. The black months can be a challenge, but I find that I am much less likely to take nice weather for granted living in a place like Seattle, as opposed to Hawaii or LA. I just appreciate the sun so much more here, and I really enjoy the balance of the seasons we have.

Oh, and to answer your question, supply and demand. Our region has grown rapidly over the past 20 years, with rapid job growth in a lot of high paying sectors. New home construction has not been able to keep pace.


SereneDreams03 t1_j25kicv wrote

10-A masterpiece. One of the greatest films I've ever seen





5-not bad, but not good either (mostly forgettable)

4-not very good, definitely would not recommend

3-bad, just bad

2-terrible in almost every way

1-one of the worst movies I've ever seen. A complete waste of my time.


SereneDreams03 t1_j16cckj wrote

I don't disagree, and yeah, I love a lot of the stuff the satanic temple does, I'm just saying specifically I don't like the freedom from religion commercials. Like I said, they seem to do good work, it's just their marketing that rubs me the wrong way.


SereneDreams03 t1_j15rnid wrote

I'm a nontheist myself, but I'm not a huge fan of the freedom from religion commercials. That guy just comes off as pretentious. Sure, I don't want religious zealots telling me what to do, but I don't want atheists telling me not to be religious. It sounds like they do some good work, but maybe they just need some better advertising.


SereneDreams03 t1_j09auuu wrote

>I think it’s unfair to say that the EV charge is unfair because it doesn’t align with your consumption.

That is not why I am saying is unfair. As the article indicates, even gas-powered vehicles are becoming more fuel efficient. So, if you combine that with the fact there are more EVs on the road, that means there is less tax dollars coming in to fund the roads. So, my point was if I owned an EV and was driving an equal amount of mileage, I would be paying far less in taxes. Which becomes a problem for our state as a whole if we want to continue funding our roads.


SereneDreams03 t1_izlf0xx wrote

Yeah, I can understand that, it definitely could be isolating for teens that have no one like themselves to talk to, especially living in bigoted communities as you pointed out.

It would not be a law I would support, even though I do think their are a lot of negative effects of social media, especially for teens. I'm not sure what the answer is, but this bill does seem to go too far, and thank you for pointing out some of the possible motivations behind it.