
Sigma_Atheist t1_je33157 wrote

Because the reporting is misrepresenting quantum computers by making them out to be some supercomputer, when in actuality it is nothing of the sort and there's already enough misinformation disguised as science journalism around quantum computing as it is. It makes me mad.

Further, what actual thing? Nothing in the article tells you the qubit count or any other relevant stat. Another user pointed out that it probably has 20 qubits though, which is completely useless since 20 qubits can be fully simulated on normal computers.


Sigma_Atheist t1_je2n0zv wrote

Amazing. In the very first sentences, you can tell that the author knows nothing about quantum computing:

"Recently, IBM and the Cleveland Clinic unveiled a quantum computer that could advance medical innovation like never before. The IBM Quantum System One was created to crunch large amounts of data at high speeds."

Senseless hype.

Edit: They didn't even report on the qubit count!


Sigma_Atheist OP t1_jcwlx8i wrote

I was being a tad hyperbolic. To rephrase my argument, they shouldn't release any AI until it is capable of replacing all jobs rather than a subset. Because otherwise, the massive inequality caused by some large section of society losing jobs would lead to revolt.

Do you understand my argument now? Or are you just looking for what you view as easy pickings to let out your rage on those unfortunate enough to have you find their posts?