
Silhouettesmiled t1_j5jnfqw wrote

I did the exact same thing you are doing back in 2016! I came from a small town with little opportunity and it was the best decision I ever made. I eventually even met my husband.

I honestly would start applying around April/May. Around the time you are wanting and needing to move. If you need a job quick apply for Arc of the Ozarks or even a nursing home. The hospitals take about a month to start.


Silhouettesmiled t1_j44cv4p wrote

IT'S THE BREED TOO!!! PITBULLS ARE THE FUCKING PROBLEM! Open your eyes. This shit breed has already killed many people this year and the year has hardly started. Small breeds do NOT do nearly the amount of damage like this shit breed does. Why do you think pitbulls are used in dog fights??! That's what they are bred to do! Fuck it's even in their name! PITBULL


Silhouettesmiled t1_j2z8918 wrote

Fucking backwards and cruel is what it is.

Maybe putting more effort in opening more homeless shelters would help but I guess that doesn't make enough money.

The politicians who make this fucking bullshit a law need to be held accountable and thrown in jail and charged themselves for being a cruel and a nuisance to humanity. It's way past time to hold these fuckers accountable!