
SparkleWigglebutt t1_je4v0a8 wrote

That's a great idea, but because I explained it poorly. They exist as beings of evil. Saying their name calls them to you, it doesn't weaken them. I guess an analogy would be if a lion or a shark were nearby and you cut yourself, made noise, shouted, or otherwise drew attention to yourself. The best way to survive a predator attack isn't pluck and moxie--it's to not be attacked.

Unless we can change the hearts of men to never fear, hate, or rage then some things will exist; love, kindness, and braveryis the way to stop such things, but not on an individual level. To use the predator analogy before, we would have to remove the ocean or the savannah. In the meantime, run and hide and try not to call attention to yourself.


SparkleWigglebutt t1_jdvp17u wrote

I saw a girl talking about how some things are never spoken of, and then white settlers come here, commit genocide, then have the audacity to say things that shouldn't even be thought of out loud and then wonder why things are going to shit. I'm glad you're safe and we're not speaking of them. Maybe it was luck, maybe it was respect shown that came back as a blessing.


SparkleWigglebutt t1_itaaygs wrote

No, he said he didn't kill them. If you think he killed his cheating gf and best friend and then his gf to cover it up, boy are you so wrong. The monster no one's ever seen before did it, not him. He barely made it out alive! Heck, he even saved her a few times from the heretofore unknown critter! Trust him, he's a marine biologist.