
TankGirlwrx t1_j8mrp3u wrote

This happened to my partner. He also experienced the multiple day callback nonsense, and getting the callback only to be immediately put on hold for an extended period of time. But by far the scariest thing was finding out someone used his info for fraudulent claims. He managed to get it sorted over the phone, but it took a week or two


TankGirlwrx t1_ix83y99 wrote

The frustrating thing is I usually consider myself informed! This question was a surprise to me like the day before election day and honestly, I probably should have just not filled that one in, knowing I didn't have enough info. I find it fairly difficult to find good info on local referendums though (which is probably also by design in this town...)


TankGirlwrx t1_ix7u0gq wrote

Honestly, that question was so poorly worded and probably on purpose. Thanks for the links

It’s weird that the “yes” signs had the love your library slogan on them, and unlike others I saw them next to all sorts of other political signs. I feel like I voted the wrong way now, and I’m pissed they worded that question the way they did


TankGirlwrx t1_ix6e1al wrote

Oh dammit, the library measure didn’t pass? I was so focused on finding out if Poulos won in the recount I forgot to check the other ballot measure outcomes.

At least the state passed early voting!

edit: I realize after discussion that passing in this case is the undesired outcome if we want the library to be run/managed by the library staff.


TankGirlwrx t1_iuf3wv7 wrote

I’m not sure if it’s just a quirk of whoever labeled this but Middle Town makes me kinda giggle. “Oh, here’s a town in the middle…what a great name!”