
ThatsMrDickfaceToYou t1_j9ehpqz wrote

You can knock on the wall and listen to the sound. The empty space between studs will have a lower pitch and the stud will have a shallow pitch. Imprecise to an untrained ear, but it will give you a hint.

You can also look at the wall itself. There are often visible signs of where the nails were hammered in to attach the drywall in the first place.


ThatsMrDickfaceToYou t1_ixxlnuh wrote

Those are mollies. There is a piece on the back that prevents you from removing them, which is how they work. I’d suggest taking a chisel and sliding it behind them, gradually shearing off the plastic. The part inside the wall can stay there, and you can use joint compound to patch the hole.

Could also use a drill and just drill the center right out.


ThatsMrDickfaceToYou t1_iu0su93 wrote

It’s true. That isn’t what prevents change. It’s the knowledge that all of the people you love and who have come to love the person you were five minutes ago may not like the new you. And sometimes that’s ok, but it’s a non-trivial concern.