
TheTowerBard t1_j32aubv wrote

Literally just finished reading a little true crime thing about kidnappers in Australia and then opened Reddit and this was on top. I also was just contemplating a second piece if coffee cake. Think I have my answer.


TheTowerBard t1_j31gnx3 wrote

This is like saying you don’t mind talking about coffee but don’t you dare bring up coffee beans. That’s what you sound like. It’s completely absurd and childish.

I’m so sorry you got triggered by adults discussing a very important matter. I hope you can pull through.


TheTowerBard t1_j2zp01i wrote

I can’t be the only one who is sick and tired of people listening to the angry man on tv that tells them to be annoyed when people bring up perfectly valid things like climate change every single winter for the last 30 years.

Honestly, the willful ignorance as everything goes to shit around us is getting very old. Let’s do better. We shouldn’t be triggered by the mention of climate change at this point.

It’s cute that you’re annoyed about the last 30 years, but this is a conversation that started in like 1910. Nineteen friggin ten, my dudes. It’s time to remove our collective heads from our collective asses and take it seriously. It’s past time, actually.


TheTowerBard t1_j2taoyi wrote

Honestly you are both fools. According to FBI data there are somewhere between 25-50 active serial killers in the United States at any given time. Based on the stereotypical profile of serial killers and the fact that Vermont is the second whitest state in the country, it is highly likely there is at least one active serial killer in Vermont. Considering we are unaware of this hypothetical person and their hypothetical crimes, it stands to reason that the murder rate could be much much higher than we know. EVERYONE PANIC!!!!

Sarcasm aside, Foxmotron absolutely answered your question/issue properly and I'm sorry you are too immature to see that. Keep calm and panic on, my friend.


TheTowerBard t1_j204kkl wrote

It's also just incredibly insane because I can't imagine where VT would be without people from out of state bringing their money here and spending it. It's just such an ignorant way of thinking.

I grew in VT but spent my 20s and early 30s living all over the country. Anytime I came back to visit with OOS plates I'd get shit from some idiot at least once.

Hell, one time my mom who raised me here came back to visit after moving to CA for work (she lives here again now). She drove across country and the day after she got here we decided to go to lunch at Long Trail. I missed a turn on the way there and turned around in someone's driveway. There was a group of 20 something guys standing out front of the house. I smiled and gave a wave as I turned around, only my front tires breaking the plane of their driveway. One guy sort of waved and started walking towards us. He then came up to the car and said if he saw me and my CA plates use his driveway to turn around again he'd drag me from the car and "beat the ever loving piss out of" me. Dude thought he was being tough to some folks from CA but he was simply threating fellow Vermonters...


TheTowerBard t1_j200m7n wrote

As someone who manages socials for corpos I have to completely disagree with you. Some platforms absolutely force you to use the app either by making you finish setting up your account in one, or by making their web app so broken/annoying you have to use the app for your own sanity. Also, like others have mentioned, you want to see what your users are seeing.

I am one of two people in my company that has access to our social media accounts. The other person is in marketing and uses the platforms for ad management. Our company pays for our personal cell phones because of this.

We also want to be on every platform, and we always want to test out new platforms, because we want as many people to see our messaging as possible. The same goes for whatever the state is trying to communicate.

This all being said, the state can absolutely provide secure phones that allow socials to the folks who might need to be able to access them. And only allow it for those specific folks. They can also provide them a second phone for all other work related needs.


TheTowerBard t1_j1zsijf wrote

I'm 41 and "real Vermonters" have been loudly complaining about "flatlanders" and out of staters for as long as I can remember. Meanwhile those people keep coming here and boosting the economy these wood-boogers barely partake in. It's embarrassing at this point. If Fox News was based in VT there would constant coverage of caravans coming from Massachusetts.


TheTowerBard t1_j1zrknm wrote

Of course they're right. It's easy to predict something that has been happening for 40 years... or maybe more? I just know every wood-booger in the state has been complaining very loudly of this for my entire life.

The real change here is that people are/will be coming from farther away, not just our neighbors. Climate migration is already happening and VT is forecast to be one of the safest areas as we further destroy the rest of our planet. Buckle up folks, we have a lot of new neighbors on their way in the next decade. Let's welcome them.