
TheTowerBard t1_izyqf8b wrote

Prepare to be a bit bummed about the state of Rutland. Other than that I got nothing really. I’ve been enjoying Middlebury lately but I can’t think of any “winter” things to do there. Just cute shops and decent eats.


TheTowerBard t1_izyl6ss wrote

Not helpful for your request, but I have been noticing a lot of abandoned looking restaurants and inns in the Killington area of VT. I'm making an assumption this is a creatively inspired request (photography?) and have had the same thoughts passing these places recently in VT. A few abandoned houses too. This is all along route 4 between Woodstock and Rutland.


TheTowerBard t1_iz1lfdy wrote

You can’t possibly be serious. “Both sides” huh? You’re going to “both sides” this issue with everything that right-wing has been up to? You’re going to “both sides” the idea of stealing elections after Jan 6? Complete and utter ignorance. My lord.


TheTowerBard t1_iytc72p wrote

But it sounds like you buy other products at those stores thus supporting businesses that support an industry you don’t believe in. It’s a pointless game we can all play and yes, it’s quite silly. It’s ok that you buy other products at those stores and it’s ok that the tree people printed their flier on paper.

The real issue with our environment doesn’t lie with us peons, it lies with a handful of mega corporations. The changes we can make as individuals might make us feel better about ourselves, but ultimately have no real impact. So yes, bickering with each other about this sort of stuff, or really anything, is really silly and pointless. We should redirect our energy where it matters.


TheTowerBard t1_iyk6uoi wrote

Oh nice, thanks for this info. Honestly, in the moment I would have probably just went with it even if I knew this. I sort of chuckled about it at the time, but after seeing it every day for a number of months now it just annoys me 🤷‍♂️🤣


TheTowerBard t1_iyd87bu wrote

In college in 2001-ish I was walking from one party to another with a group of fellow revelers from the first party. Some kid I didn't know announced he had to take a shit and then immediately walked onto someone's lawn, dropped trou, leaned against the house itself, and went. Most of us kept walking and I never saw that kid again.

I was listening to a show recently where someone recounted driving through a neighborhood in LA late one night (early morning really) and had a sudden emergency. They used someone's lawn out of necessity.

Shit happens?


TheTowerBard t1_ixz4wsz wrote

Honestly, you should not worry about this. I’m from Vermont and have even been treated like shit and was even threatened once by some asshole because I was in a car with California plates. The car was my mothers, the same woman who raised me in Vermont. She moved to CA came for a visit on a cross country trip and this was her welcome home.

My point here, the people that would treat you negatively for not being from here literally will find any and all reasons to be assholes to others. They are the minority though, and no one likes them.

So please, live your life and live where you want. For most of us, the second you step over the state line, you are welcomed with open arms even if your just here for the weekend.