The_Last_Green_leaf t1_je94ayj wrote
Reply to comment by SectorEducational460 in US hands China easy PR win with TikTok show by HorrorCharacter5127
no whataboutism is whenever people point out the fact that china is currently committing a genocide, you Chinese bots go "mUh aMeRiCa" to defend them.
that is textbook whataboutism.
The_Last_Green_leaf t1_je4ta8g wrote
Reply to comment by ChampionshipKlutzy42 in US hands China easy PR win with TikTok show by HorrorCharacter5127
none of those are concentration camps, also whataboutism.
The_Last_Green_leaf t1_jdqk92o wrote
Reply to comment by ImBehindYouWasTaken in Why its the same by KETZALCOATL_bird
if it ain't broke don't fix it, the Xbox controller in terms of design is dam near perfect, there's no reason to change it just for the sake of change.
The_Last_Green_leaf t1_jc1fun8 wrote
Reply to comment by CptnBlondBeard in France to Invest €100 Billion in Railway Infrastructure by Winstonoceaniasmith
>-The average American, if you tried that in the U.S.
they did this in the US, and what you said would happen, didn't
The_Last_Green_leaf t1_jc1fsq3 wrote
Reply to comment by Practical-Jelly-5320 in France to Invest €100 Billion in Railway Infrastructure by Winstonoceaniasmith
didn't the US just spend 2+ trillion on infrastructure?
The_Last_Green_leaf t1_j9t0kee wrote
Reply to comment by Phizzure in Air New Zealand conducts first flight in te reo Māori by donkeychaser1
so in other word's you have zero proof people are getting mad, and again the only mad people here are the ones saying there is going to be angry people.
The_Last_Green_leaf t1_j9r3b27 wrote
Reply to comment by Phizzure in Air New Zealand conducts first flight in te reo Māori by donkeychaser1
cool? got any links?
The_Last_Green_leaf t1_j9q9vaq wrote
Reply to comment by Debaser1984 in Air New Zealand conducts first flight in te reo Māori by donkeychaser1
care to show anyone outside of reddit getting angry?
The_Last_Green_leaf t1_j9pqqop wrote
Reply to comment by Debaser1984 in Air New Zealand conducts first flight in te reo Māori by donkeychaser1
funny, you're the only angry person in the comments.
The_Last_Green_leaf t1_j5k0hf2 wrote
Reply to comment by Xist3nce in Can our brains be trained into respectful political dialogue. Research findings showed that youth who received the intervention showed a broad and multidimensional bio-neurobehavioral change and the intervention gains lasted for years by Wagamaga
>I don’t think anyone (with brain cells) refutes that,
this made me chuckle, considering for me the guy right above you is actually calling for violence against one side (right wingers) saying a dialogue isn't needed because they're just so evil.
The_Last_Green_leaf t1_j5k082z wrote
Reply to comment by AugustWolf22 in Can our brains be trained into respectful political dialogue. Research findings showed that youth who received the intervention showed a broad and multidimensional bio-neurobehavioral change and the intervention gains lasted for years by Wagamaga
>when the whole argument of one side is that they want to ethnically cleanse and expell your people and are taught to view you as a lesser being.
this alone just shows that you could do with this training, considering this is just 100% a strawman,
The_Last_Green_leaf t1_j4kuvbt wrote
Reply to comment by DonManuel in The Gamification of Everything Is No Fun Adrian Hon’s book “You’ve Been Played” warns against the abuses of game logic in work and politics. by donnygel
>like we observe in unregulated capitalism.
where do we observe unregulated capitalism? the only country I can think of that has unregulated capitalism might be Somalia, because the government is near non existent,
there has never been unregulated capitalism, and America is far from unregulated, every industry has million of regulations, down to the most niche things.
The_Last_Green_leaf t1_iyccpom wrote
Reply to comment by MiaowaraShiro in UK waters down internet rules plan after free speech outcry by Sorin61
>Bahahah talk about stupidity. They're talking about bigotry, not criticism of ideologies. That you don't seem to know the difference is worrying...
that wasn't criticism... that was the definition of bigotry.
>It's perfectly fine to criticize and dislike ideologies you disagree with.
it is, but that's not what they did.
> What's bad is hating people for who they are.
like saying fuck Tories because they're Tories?
>It's fine to dislike how people behave.
you are, but again that's not what they did.
>This seems to lost on most conservatives...
and on you too clearly.
The_Last_Green_leaf t1_iy8j7js wrote
Reply to comment by thatguyad in UK waters down internet rules plan after free speech outcry by Sorin61
bahahah talk about hypocrisy, I open your profile and the very first thing I see is "fuck the tories"
The_Last_Green_leaf t1_itptmru wrote
Reply to comment by purple-lemons in Women will have equal share of seats in [New Zealand] Parliament with Soraya Peke-Mason's swearing-in by giblefog
>That women are pressed into more caring societal roles, where men are often pushed the opposite way.
except the differences between men and women get bigger the more society is gender equal, societies where men and women work the longest and together tend to be poorer and often worse for women's rights,
this is because men and women are fundamentally different and have different goals in life and in their careers, when women are completely free to go for any job they still have preference.
The_Last_Green_leaf t1_jefuog7 wrote
Reply to comment by SectorEducational460 in US hands China easy PR win with TikTok show by HorrorCharacter5127
but the topic isn't relevant because we're talking about china's current ongoing genocide.