The_cogwheel t1_j6pg8qo wrote
Reply to comment by enc-nyc in All light switches operate on inverted logic by enc-nyc
Is there any voltage between those wires, what's the voltage between the red and neutral, and whats the voltage between the black and neutral?
The_cogwheel t1_j6pfw71 wrote
Reply to comment by dsdsds in All light switches operate on inverted logic by enc-nyc
To expand.
Voltage is a relative measurement - think of it as "what is the difference in electrical pressure between these two points".
If you measured two ends of the same wire, no matter what else is happening on that wire, voltage will read close to 0, unless the wire is extremely long (150 ft or longer). Most of the time when we say "oh that's a hot. It's 120v" we're using a reference that is always constant - the ground. Like the literal ground beneath your feet (or the ground wire, which eventually goes into the actual earth outside your home). Because that measurement tells us how likely (and painful) it's gonna be to get a shock from it. More volts = more pressure = more likely and more pain.
When the switch closes (aka in the "on" position), it's the same as having one long chunk of wire rather than two chunk, when it's open (aka in the off position), it's separated agian. So when it's open there is a difference in electrical pressure - one side has 120v (referenced to ground) and the other side has 0v (agian, as referenced to ground) as they are now two separate wires, one with a connection to the panel, the other with a connection to the lights.
The_cogwheel t1_j4xxvdz wrote
Reply to comment by RunTheBull13 in How should I go about fixing two switches that don’t work in my bathroom? by Most_Adhesiveness_73
Still, it's unlikely to be the culprit. A loose wire would been giving intermittent issues as it made and lost its connection till it finally came completely off.
It could be a dead switch (aka one that failed in the off position) though, I'll give you that. Depending on the age of the switch it might even be the issue.
The_cogwheel t1_j4xva9n wrote
Reply to comment by RunTheBull13 in How should I go about fixing two switches that don’t work in my bathroom? by Most_Adhesiveness_73
If no one messed with the wiring, how would it suddenly become incorrect?
The problem isn't "I tried to swap out a switch, and now nothing works right" it's "my lights don't work even though no one messed with them and they worked fine an hour ago"
The_cogwheel t1_j4xutgn wrote
Reply to comment by thedirte- in How should I go about fixing two switches that don’t work in my bathroom? by Most_Adhesiveness_73
>Check the GFCI outlets in the bathroom to see if any of them have been tripped. Sometimes those get daisy chained together, even though that's not the proper thing to do.
This in particular is common in homes built between the 60s and the 80s. They used to have a two prong outlet for a plug in electric razor, tied to the bathroom lights but otherwise provided no GFI or even basic grounding protection (they did have a transformer to step down the voltage, so it wasnt a complete death trap). Homeowners and landlords typically just swap the two prong for a GFI receptacle but change nothing else about the circuit, which can take out the lights when the GFI trips. If you have an unusually large cover plate around a bathroom GFI, this has happened in your home
The_cogwheel t1_izthq78 wrote
Reply to comment by boogers19 in Used drywall compound instead of tile adhesive. How screwed am I ? by xdr567
Speaking as an electrician that constantly has to un mud all his boxes... yeah the stuff just cracks right off. Give those tiles a month and half would probably fall off on thier own. Any flat-ish tool should be able to pop the tiles loose.
The_cogwheel t1_ixz7gm4 wrote
Reply to comment by sfzombie13 in Correct Drill Bit Help by ApocalypseLater93
Do you understand how small 0.008" is? A human hair is 0.003".
You're literally splitting hairs just so you can walk around pretending you're clever.
The_cogwheel t1_ixz54se wrote
Reply to comment by sfzombie13 in Correct Drill Bit Help by ApocalypseLater93
Found the pain in the ass engineer every tradesman hates.
Seriously, 8 thousandths of an inch is entering the territory of CNC machining, not hanging a hose reel.
The_cogwheel t1_ixz4roo wrote
Reply to comment by zealNW in Correct Drill Bit Help by ApocalypseLater93
You could also use a screwdriver (preferably a square or Roberson) to sit inside the anchor and tap the driver with the hammer. A little easier to knock it in if you're in a weird spot or lack hand eye coordination.
The_cogwheel t1_iseooyg wrote
Reply to comment by jb32647 in Not at all a "Hands on" person but looking to change that, need help with battery math. by FUCKPUTIN2022LOL
If you absolutely, positively cannot afford off the shelf lithium system, at least consider going lead acid (aka car batteries). They require more maintenance than lithium (you have to top up the water in them) and more ventilation (they produce hydrogen gas while charging) but carry less risk of catastrophic fire if mishandled.
It's still risky, and something that I still don't fully advise doing, but if you're gonna be bullheaded about it, then at least pick the option with less chances of burning your home to the ground.
As a bonus, you can later upgrade to lithium cells, so you can still get your system up and running soon, and upgrade to lithium whenever funds permit.
The_cogwheel t1_isendst wrote
Reply to comment by Diligent_Nature in Not at all a "Hands on" person but looking to change that, need help with battery math. by FUCKPUTIN2022LOL
As an in field electrician, I also echo the advice to buy a pre-built pack. Batteries can be little mini grenades, especially when you overcharge them or overheat them. Go ahead, Google "battery explosion" and have a feast of firey goodness.
Bigger battery, means bigger fire. And at 300+ cells... thats a lot of battery.
This most definitely not in the realm of "an internet search, a soldering iron and some gumption". The whole install sounds closer to "get at least three quotes from a local electrician or solar installer" territory.
The_cogwheel t1_j6pgk26 wrote
Reply to comment by jkh77 in All light switches operate on inverted logic by enc-nyc
Agreed, whatever is going on here is gonna require a professional to probe out and sort. There's likely a bypass or some other weird splice going on, but where and what else is going on with the circuit? Only God knows till someone is able to probe out the whole run.