
TheyCallMeGilly t1_je5syu6 wrote

There’s a lot to unpack here. First and foremost, I feel worse for your boyfriend than I do for you, just to get that out of the way. Is there a faster way to get into therapy? Are you love bombing your ex in hopes of getting a response or any sort of answer? If he really does say “enough, I’ve had enough and I don’t want to go through this anymore.” Have you thought of how you’re going to react? Or would react? Or would it be another episode? All of these are rhetorical, but those are the thoughts and questions that immediately come to me. There’s so much going on here, biggest suggestion I can make. Don’t drag your boyfriend down with you while you try to figure your mental health out, it’s really selfish and unfair. E


TheyCallMeGilly t1_j1w2qkh wrote

It’s sad that most men claim to be “men” simply because they have a job and a house, but if you don’t have that mental side of stuff figured out, including a giant ego check, you’re a fucking child. Sorry you had to go through this, just know that there’s probably millions of others out there who were sold the same lies by a man who can’t control his own thoughts or desires.


TheyCallMeGilly t1_ixr8v9k wrote

Well, when I accidentally tugged on the wire she immediately had cramps so bad that she was doubled over, but it was probably 11 pm or so, so she had to suffer through the night, but her doctor called back on the morning and said “if he can still feel it, have him pull it out” so that’s what I did and it came out relatively easily so she felt better within 2 hrs
