
Thoth_the_5th_of_Tho t1_j53hxtb wrote

The idea was to fund art in a diferent style than what the soviets made. The Soviets had a 'socialist realism' style, so the CIA boosted abstract and stylized art, so the Soviets would look dated.

Although it's more likely that the Soviet's stifling, top down system made artistic expression and change difficult, causing them to look dated regardless of what the CIA did.


Thoth_the_5th_of_Tho t1_iy9uaf2 wrote

One of the goal they had going into the war was to push south and take control of the Midwest with Tecumseh, which ended in retreat, the annihilation of most of their native allies, and losing naval control of the Great Lakes forever.


Thoth_the_5th_of_Tho t1_ivogsbg wrote

I'm past that point, and there is a huge difference between engineering class, and actually working in the industry. You picked a good career, and by all accounts, its only getting better with time. You'll find that VCs, investors and big companies aren't enemies. It's a symbiotic relationship where we all get paid very well.


Thoth_the_5th_of_Tho t1_ivh2c1m wrote

What "we"? "We" aren't developing robots. Engineers are, they are very well paid, and they have no interest in or motive to help the working class. You talk about your animosity towards the elites, you don't think the feelings are mutual?

>Technology throughout human history has always meant increased leisure time for a given civilization

Thanks for the concern, the people making the robots get plenty of vacation days.