
t1_j8admfr wrote

I can only speak from personal experience but growing up partially in a hospital, my doctors took an approach that today might seem irrational and might even result in malpractice. They told my parents to let me play in dirt, drink muddy water even, take part in activities that might cause an asthma attack, don’t fret over Cloroxing every surface. I haven’t had a severe asthma attack in 12ish years and no longer take steroids for allergy control. I’ve never met a person with asthma as severe as mine but I’ve met plenty who still have to keep an inhaler on hand.


t1_irvrpho wrote

Okay, while this is great news, I know many battery engineers who would have a big problem with how this article presents every bit of the battery as some sort of world wonder. They’ve figured the theories out for almost everything in this battery decades ago, it’s the applications that have eluded engineers. A friend of mine even saw hand-made vertical stack prototypes 10 years ago that he was excited to sell to our company, but they were quick to say they have no idea how to make them except by hand. He also brought back some funky prototypes - a circular pack, a triangular pack, and one shaped like a splatter.