
TuesdayShuffle t1_iy8gchv wrote

I honestly don't know how far Putin would/will push Russia, this whole invasion into Ukraine has gone off-script. He seems hell-bent on getting Russia wrapped up into military conflicts to keep himself in power. If his position as leader were to get threatened, I picture him doubling down and I really don't know what that looks like. I definitely feel for our NATO allies that are closer to the Russian border....


TuesdayShuffle t1_ix8o0xf wrote

Ok......I'm really starting to get Florida Man vibes every time I read a Texas Woman headline.....

edit: I feel really bad getting 100 up votes and not being completely honest....I was actually married to Texas Woman for 10 years. Sorry for letting you all down. ( I will never say y'all bc of Texas Woman 😢)