
Unl0vableDarkness t1_jefpgkw wrote

You pay the rent. You have every right to work where you want. Heck you can work hanging upside down from your light fitting in the bathroom naked if it so pleases you to do so.

As for the other issues. Your BiL and MiL have to go asap. You haven't got a marriage with them living there, especially the BiL living there rent free. He's using amenities and food that you're paying for, money you should be putting away for your future. If your husband doesn't see this you've got to assume he doesn't see one. Why would anyone want their brother permanently living with them and their wife? It's incomprehensible.

The way your husband acted was out of order and you probably don't need me to tell you you were BOTH out of line for being abusive.

You both need to sit down and agree to get these parasites out of your home. Or you need to leave and find a guy who will treat you with respect and who wants to spend his time with you and you alone. (When in the marital home)