
VenetaBirdSong t1_jcmjzxh wrote

We’re on the same side here. But if you’re going to write something in the first sentence of your first paragraph about two beloved musical heroes who died of ODs, and claim it’s b/c of fent-laced fake pills, I’m going to call BS on that because no one knows the details. I don’t want misinformation spread.

Opioids are bad.


VenetaBirdSong t1_jcm54us wrote

Was it ever confirmed that Tom Petty died from fent-laced pressies? Tox reports state he had multiple drugs in his system, including fentanyl, oxycodone, and various benzos/ssris. But he could’ve had a legit script and just accidentally took too much. It happens. I’d rather not spread misinformation unless it’s 100% certain.

Edit - also, yes. Harm reduction is key. The various non-profits that engage in this throughout the city are doing great work, keep it up!


VenetaBirdSong t1_izlqlcf wrote

Remember the next couple of weeks after 9/11 when a cottage industry of people selling tacky souvenirs, t-shirts, and other Chinese-made crap with eagles and American flags on them sprang up?

I remember.