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BakedBread65 t1_j2y8b2d wrote

Bill will pass by 2025, then by 2037 they will have exactly one shop set up with a 300% tax markup


niceholmes t1_j2yaxt1 wrote

Well, as we have seen with pot... life finds a way. Especially if possession is legal.


IncomingBlessings t1_j2ymzfj wrote

Grow kits for shrooms are always an option. I would definitely be inclined to grow my own if and when it becomes legal


VenetaBirdSong t1_j2yux23 wrote

Did this back in college about 20+ years ago. A whole lot of work for a little bit of reward.


cocktails5 t1_j2z64lg wrote

Once you get good at it it should be very little effort for a lot of reward. You can grow an absolute ton of mushrooms in a couple of storage bins. Mushrooms on the east coast are stupid expensive for how easy they are to grow and the relative lack of risk (no smell, no grow lights, concealed grow containers).


EmeraldFalcon89 t1_j31qqfq wrote

plus you can choose the strain of mushroom which is really significant. I was pretty much not a fan of shrooms until I grew my own, they were less prolific and not as strong but they felt much more energetic


anivex t1_j2z6iyc wrote

Homie you just didn’t do it right. I got plenty of reward in my days


VenetaBirdSong t1_j2z75gh wrote

It’s possible I didn’t do it right. My friend did the initial inoculation and first steps but left to study abroad. I did the second half.


anivex t1_j2z7eds wrote

Most certainly something to do your research on first


Chairmaster29 t1_j344pap wrote

Shrooms grown with spores are occasionally mild, they're occasionally strong as fuck, and usually somewhere in between. (Not counting PE)


mikep120001 t1_j37mtos wrote

Pe don’t sporelate and can only inoculate from the fruit.

Also fwiw to these comments; it’s WAY easier to grow in bulk than small amounts and pounds can be harvested for under 20$ in materials once you’re up and running


Chairmaster29 t1_j39yrha wrote

Absolutely, except PE does sporelate it's just very light, and light colored. You need to swab the gills with a sterile cotton swab, which can be dabbed on an agar tray, but cloning is the best bet for a home cultivator. If they didn't sporelate you couldn't buy a PE spore syringe from a vendor. But yeah why grow brown rice cakes when you can grow tubs. I wouldn't say easier but as easy for sure yup.


mikep120001 t1_j3a25qu wrote

It’s like 1 extra step to go from cakes to bulk. It was easier for me at least as I went straight to bulk when I farmed. When I wrote sporelate I was kinda implying the natural way when a fruit opens and they drop. Having to swab them isn’t really dropping spores imho. Plus if you’re already using agar you’d be better just taking a piece of fruit body vs a spore to stick w better genetics vs the unknown.

I could be wrong as it’s going back a few years but the pe syringes I used had chunks of fruits floating in them whereas other cube subspecies would have globs of spores.


LittleKitty235 t1_j2z1o35 wrote

But how did the mushrooms work out? 😏


VenetaBirdSong t1_j2z2uk5 wrote

I remember sitting in my friend’s dorm writing “I’m Mr DNA Man and I’ve come to steal your mind” then strolling to Irving Plaza to see Zap Mama and Talib Kweli. Good times. But a whole summer’s worth of work for one night for a friend and me.


sherryberry7 t1_j2zc5by wrote

Check out r/unclebens spores are also legal to buy online in most states, it's the possession of the shrooms themselves that are illegal.


FartSniffingDog t1_j31hwl5 wrote

Spores and grow kits have always been legal.


[deleted] t1_j31koqp wrote



FartSniffingDog t1_j32k9mg wrote

That’s very considerate of you, but you can literally grow it in secret in your closet. As long as you aren’t drawing attention to yourself by trying to become a drug dealer, no one will know, but you and god and your dead ego.


Napkin_whore t1_j2zl887 wrote

Midtown is more like “high town” now though. I don’t think it’s a good look long term, even if I like weed a lot.


Pool_Shark t1_j2yp44x wrote

Can’t wait for all the unregulated gray market shops selling research chemicals with DMT or Mushroom stickers on the package


ICantThinkOfANameBud t1_j303bjd wrote

You can already buy "Mushroom" chocolates in a lot of bodegas, at least in Queens.


notqualitystreet t1_j2yoiuj wrote

And of course DASNY will be involved in the fucking leases for some reason goddamnit


pauligyarto t1_j3m84ue wrote

If they're all taking fat DMT hits the whole city will probably transcend reality


machined_learning t1_j2yhiis wrote

"If passed, New Yorkers wouldn’t lose professional licenses, public assistance, or access to mental health and behavioral health services simply for using psychedelics."

I only want a therapist who has done psychedelics. Why give someone the keys to my mind if they've never even tried to explore their own?


[deleted] t1_j2yp4w5 wrote



machined_learning t1_j2ytnhw wrote

Heard, I could see how some people might know how the juice tastes without ever having to peel the fruit.


ctindel t1_j30pv9l wrote

There’s literally no way anyone can know what the juice tastes like without having tasted it. It’s a bad analogy to prove your point but it’s a great analogy to prove the inverse haha.

There’s no way someone can know what psychedelics are like without trying them.


machined_learning t1_j31qasx wrote

Definitely don't want you as my therapist lol


ctindel t1_j31x2br wrote

I remember trying guava nectar for the first time as an adult when I went to Hawaii. I had never tasted anything like it. There’s no way someone could have described it to me in a way I’d really understand without having tasted it myself.

I dunno maybe great therapists can imagine what guava nectar tastes like without having tasted it, but I really doubt it. The most they could do is ask “how did that make you feel when you drank it?”


machined_learning t1_j33eowy wrote

Well the original commenter I was responding to had a great insight, which was that even if the person used psychedelics it would be difficult to compare their experience to my experience and even know if they are similar enough to be useful in a therapy setting.

In essence, if everyone's experience is so different anyway, why not just look for someone who has opened their mind to the experience and maybe studied it or worked closely with other people who have. A mind open to possibility and understanding could be more in line with what I would want, rather than a mind that deals in absolutes like "there is literally no way anyone can know what the juice tastes like..."

I see what you are saying though. Psychedelics are hard to imagine without having tried them.


daned t1_j2zwrdb wrote

I like the way you think. If you don't mind me asking, why was the cultural aspect more important to you?


[deleted] t1_j2zxhsh wrote



daned t1_j301rad wrote

Good luck! I completely understand and this is why I've been to thirty therapists. I want to take about ten minutes to get through the basic shit, not four sessions.


IIAOPSW t1_j2zbwqt wrote

I'll be your therapist. I'm not board approved or even ethics committee approved, but yolo.


RW3Bro t1_j2yi68z wrote

A little surprising that mescaline (which seems to be more or less extinct these days) is included alongside psyilocybin and DMT, both of which are abundant.


cocktails5 t1_j2z6gs6 wrote

I mean you might as well tack it on even if it isn't that common. There's no downside.


I__LOVE__LSD t1_j30hg47 wrote

And no LSD...


OkSoBasicallyPeach t1_j33davi wrote

i think the diff is all of them are derived from natural sources but things like lsd, mdma, ketamine are chemically synthesized


PerceptualEmergence t1_j33zkv0 wrote

Which has nothing to do with their safety or efficacy.


janandgeorgeglass t1_j347cwo wrote

Seriously lol, it's always funny how many people assume mushrooms are so much safer/better than LSD automatically because they come from nature. Both can be life changing and therapeutic, as well as having the potential to cause bad trips. The public really needs better education when it comes to psychedelics


[deleted] t1_j34qd6u wrote

Lsd is still synthesized from natural sources, it’s not like they concoct a brew and you’ve got lsd. Although it is a synthetic, It still comes from ergot.


WasherDrye t1_j2ys0lw wrote

Which burning man tech diva is bending the ears of legislators to legalize mescaline? I mean, shoot your shot, and no complaints here, but I thought just mushrooms would still be a tough sell.


PeriodicTrend t1_j2zm55n wrote

Thanks for trivializing the content. This isn’t about recreational rationality. Hard science rendered by scientists with phds and medical degrees want this.


WasherDrye t1_j2zmqu2 wrote

Ya well so do a few guys I know


DoctorMichaelScarn t1_j2zu7gj wrote

Nah fuck you and your friends for wanting to throw down an eighth and watch the matrix. If you don’t have PHDs backed by HARD SCIENCE you don’t matter apparently 🙄


daned t1_j2zx1o8 wrote

yo that part in the matrix where he plucks the bullet out of the air and stares at it curiously is rad af


Revir_Nosduh t1_j2zbk0x wrote

Mushrooms already are being sold openly all over the city


daned t1_j2zx46p wrote

Drugs? In my city? I don't believe it.


I__LOVE__LSD t1_j30hom6 wrote

In which store would one find these drugs? I just want to make sure that I don't accidentally go into one of these stores.


FartSniffingDog t1_j31i37l wrote

Avoid the bodega at the corner of 22nd st and 1st Ave in manhattan


nowthenight t1_j356gay wrote

hypothetically how much do they charge for a quarter? so that i can avoid carrying that much money


FartSniffingDog t1_j356mp8 wrote

Not sure. But I accidentally bought a bag of THC edibles that had a dosage of 1000mg. I was so mad when I got home that they ripped me off for $50. I thought it was just candy!


MovingToTheExit t1_j31oy81 wrote

I randomly spotted them being sold along CBD oil at a Christmas market in Astoria 😂


eurtoast t1_j31j00r wrote

Dude was hawking them on st marks a few weeks ago. Ymmv


nowthenight t1_j356m7f wrote

anyone selling weed at washington square park also has shrooms and other drugs


moralquary t1_j47xm2s wrote

Honestly? Just take a walk in greenpoint you’ll have to be blind to not find phycs


nooneimportan7 t1_j2yvov6 wrote

Who the fuck has mescaline?


PsychicChasmz t1_j2zfiuv wrote

It's not terribly hard to buy a San Pedro cactus and either make a tea out of it or chemically extract the mescaline.


badluser t1_j2zjyts wrote

I was growing one, then I over-watered it, and then it was struck with a fungus.


AugustWest7120 t1_j2yypcy wrote

Where’s acid on da list ?!


IIAOPSW t1_j2zd5oi wrote

> of a natural plant or fungus-based hallucinogen.

LSD is derived from ergot, a type of fungus which infects plants in the wheat family causing the grains to develop black bulbouses.

Edit: I just clicked through and read the bill. It's a hard read and I may be missing something, but it looks like the quoted part isn't the whole story of what's in this thing. There's a whole section after that which goes on to define "plant based hallucinogen" as specifically meaning "any of the following compounds or their salts or isomers..." LSD is not on the list. The revised rules are helpfully shown in green and the parts of the legal code being overwritten are helpfully striker through in red. In section 5 we see the same list of" natural" chemicals crossed out but LSD is still there.

So it looks like I was wrong in interpreting that quote because every single word in it was defined to mean something else later on.

WTF is this arbitrary hippie "natural plant based" bullshit. I don't get what this guy thinks is natural VS processed, or why that's even relevant. This dude buying his psychedelics out the whole foods organic shelf?


gazorpazorpfuknfield t1_j34dul5 wrote

I agree the definition of "natural" is arbitrary but technically LSD is semi-synthetic. It was created from Ergot but it's not naturally occurring in Ergot itself.


fafalone t1_j30q2qh wrote

For some reason all these bills to legalize psychedelics are drawing some ridiculous distinction with "natural medicine". Where we should only be allowed to have the 'natural medicine' of psychedelics that occur in nature. It's entirely unjustified and arbitrary to exclude LSD, but all the bills in other states like this have done it for some reason.


RW3Bro t1_j303d5f wrote

Can’t speak for mescaline, but acid is far more mentally destabilizing than DMT or shrooms. There’s a reason it was weaponized against a nascent counterculture in the 60s and 70s.


gazorpazorpfuknfield t1_j34cu86 wrote

BS. It depends on the person and many other factors whether they handle one better than the other.

LSD was attempted to be weaponized because it's insanely easy to produce conceal and covertly deliver millions of doses even against someone's will. Can't do that with mushrooms


Motor_Ad_473 t1_j3743np wrote

You’ve never tried it lol. Mushrooms are way more of an emotional rollercoaster than acid.


RW3Bro t1_j375fpm wrote

>You’ve never tried it lol.



Motor_Ad_473 t1_j375n5m wrote

Then what are you basing the view of it being mentally destabilizing on?


RW3Bro t1_j377qt0 wrote

Without getting into much more detail, I’ve got enough experience (personal and otherwise) to make that claim with a decent degree of confidence.


Motor_Ad_473 t1_j38bkqo wrote

“Trust me bro”


RW3Bro t1_j38oj80 wrote

I don’t care if you trust me, I’m just sharing an opinion that’s informed by a breadth of experience which I’d hazard is larger than most people’s.

It’s also suspicious how many people (namely Kesey and Leary) who were involved with turning LSD into the cultural juggernaut it became in the 60s and 70s had ties to intelligence services or their experiments. Many of the villains of the time period (Kaczynski, Bulger, Manson, and Sirhan) were verified or rumored to be connected as well, but it’s impossible to have a sober reconciliation of what happened since the CIA had those files destroyed.


Motor_Ad_473 t1_j3a8nst wrote

> breadth of experience which I’d hazard is larger than most people’s.

I haven’t met a single person who’s tried acid and been against it in the manner you are. Not one.

> cultural juggernaut it became in the 60s and 70s

Psychedelics were a “cultural juggernaut” back then because “war on drugs” propaganda wasn’t being shoved down the throats of Americans. They could actually think for themselves back then.

> had ties to intelligence services or their experiments.

What are you basing that on? Leary was arrested and widely hated for his views/use of psychedelics. You know those experiences you’re referencing used a ridiculous dose of acid paired with psychological torture. It wasn’t the acid itself at all.

> villains

The world isn’t a comic book lol

> were verified or rumored to be connected as well

They were already vulnerable when they were psychologically abused by the CIA under the influence of incomprehensible doses of psychedelics without their consent

> happened since the CIA had those files destroyed.

Why do you think that is? Same government that has relentlessly pushed propaganda against only certain drugs they can’t profit off of. Ones that free the mind and endanger the established order.

You don’t seem to have this same disdain for alcohol. I have yet to see a single study pointing to the positive mental health effects of alcohol.

Are all of those positive studies about psychedelics also funded by the CIA? The same government that lists marijuana as a schedule 1 substance?


RW3Bro t1_j3ad5xc wrote

Let’s agree to disagree brother.


Captaintripps t1_j2z356o wrote

Some people in this sub could really stand to take DMT occasionally. At least their delusions would probably be interesting.


LeektheGeek t1_j2ypu1i wrote

Let’s fucking gooooo


NuYawker t1_j2z19qw wrote

Want to. We are still a long way from that.


LikesBallsDeep t1_j304j7j wrote

You know if Cuomo had somehow survived his scandal, this could be legalized tomorrow if someone just came out with another credible accusation.


AdvaitaZen t1_j2z9urd wrote

What about ketamine?


janandgeorgeglass t1_j347maz wrote

Or LSD, the whole "only naturally based psychedelics are good" thing is out of touch with the science


Longroadfrom87 t1_j2zog12 wrote

Can't speak for DMT or mescaline but psilocybin should be legal. The sweats, tears, and possible shits are all worth it for that mentally clear and relaxed feeling the next day.


iseldomwipe t1_j2zaw7r wrote

Don't do this. Don't give me hope.


Princess_Juggs t1_j308mnf wrote

Nice, maybe we can get some serious psychedelic research started on the east coast


iHateRolerCoasters t1_j2zctdw wrote

ive been seeing shrooms being sold in lots of smoke shops and bodegas, especially in the bx. anyone try these?


Odd-Acanthisitta-546 t1_j2zuwes wrote

if they are "one up" chocolate bars with a mario kinda theme snag one and have a good 5-6 hours


TheRealestFunny t1_j2z02qr wrote

Definitely need it to thrive here. You’ll lose your mind without 😂


mymindisgoo t1_j2zcfrl wrote

God how I would love to blast off on 5meo again.


Rtn2NYC t1_j2zipmu wrote

Good lord I’m old- I don’t even know what these are.

That said, I’m all for it.


adfreedissociation t1_j32cnod wrote

I saw mushrooms sold at smoke shops on Fremont street in Vegas they were overpriced as shit like $75 for an 1/8ths equivalent of gummies


Mammoth_Sprinkles705 t1_j35czd8 wrote

They could have the police stop enforcing possession and sale tomorrow if they wanted too.

I guess they would rather locking people in a metal cage.


70green t1_j2zkv8p wrote

Fear and loathing New York


ordinary_love t1_j305ri5 wrote

Great, just what we need. Brown bagging mescaline.


TheNormalAlternative t1_j3076oz wrote

Mushrooms are already legal if you know what to look for and where.

Edit: Confused why people are downvoting this. Psychedelic mushrooms literally grow all over the country, and if you are properly trained, you can hunt for them in NYC's parks.


PerceptualEmergence t1_j340zyi wrote

Possessing wild psychedelic mushrooms is still illegal in most jurisdictions. It doesn't matter where you got them from.


kimbolll t1_j2zp69e wrote

No, please god, no!


[deleted] t1_j30ijvj wrote

Whats the point of this?


TheNormalAlternative t1_j322xuc wrote

To decriminalize actions that shouldn't be crimes


[deleted] t1_j341bvr wrote

I just dont see how the city would improve with these being legal recreationally. I can understand these being used medicinally when administered by professionals, but making it available over the counter just normalizes it, especially for kids. The whole movement to legalize all drugs just doesnt make sense when you look at it in the big picture. What’s next, legalizing heroin and coke?


AnneArchy123 t1_j3110hi wrote

We already have too many people high on too many things in NYC but I want to try Ayahuasca without getting arrested so I'm divided on this.


GoRangers5 t1_j2z1d64 wrote

I have a hard time believing it's out of altruism.


TerraAdAstra t1_j2znghl wrote

I couldn’t give a shit. These things should have never been criminalized. It’s time to end it.


Nespot-despot t1_j2zznnh wrote

Psychosis rates are gonna skyrocket. Ugh.


bherm100 t1_j30ails wrote

Odd. All the mushroom users I know are super well adjusted and there are tons of psych studies on the benefits of of them.


[deleted] t1_j31m6w4 wrote

I know one who lives in a faraday cage because she’s terrified of cell phone signals. It’s awful for her.


headphase t1_j32htxs wrote

And plenty of sober, puritanical religious nuts are terrified of vaccines, thinking they're poisonous. What's your point?


bherm100 t1_j32fdr8 wrote

I think that's probably just mental illness. Sometimes crazy people take drugs too.


[deleted] t1_j30ap1e wrote

mental illness is already a massive, chronic, super-visible problem, wtf are they even thinking with this shit policy


alphasupremacy5555 t1_j2z7o2d wrote

They wanna make mescaline legal)

Pretty soon they're going to want to legalize all the drugs.


Truktek3 t1_j2zk2b8 wrote

Yes!!!! Next meth and heroin....Par-Tay!


BxGeek79 t1_j2z9u2f wrote

How about they don't do this.


yakoos t1_j2z4dnd wrote

Really dont understand the need to give people more drugs/alcohol/etc. War on drugs has been destructive but so are many of these substances. An approach to legalize/free use is a dangerously lazy answer.


lowdiver t1_j2z4x16 wrote

Many of these drugs have extremely valuable therapeutic benefits, and the war on drugs has all but destroyed any ability to research and use them in that context.


Swimmingindiamonds t1_j2zcotc wrote

How many people do you know whose lives have been destroyed by DMT/mushrooms/mescaline?


22thoughts t1_j2z5rmi wrote

People should not be prosecuted for using drugs


crrow777 t1_j2zsb5u wrote

Really don’t understand the need to control what other people do. Just worry about yourself. You don’t like drugs? Don’t do them.


kurama3 t1_j37x4nt wrote

So you’re against the war on drugs, but you’re also against legalization of drugs. What’s your solution then? Confiscation and destruction of drugs?

I agree they can be very dangerous when used stupidly. But so are a lot of legal things (guns, alcohol)


Dichotopotamus t1_j2z6x4r wrote

Such a bad idea. Turning our streets into wastelands


EdgeOrnery6679 t1_j2zcgd6 wrote

The drug zombies you see walking around are from meth, crack and heroin. As long as those three remain banned the city will be fine. I just hope no progressive thinks about attempting to legalize those brain destroying chemicals.


fafalone t1_j30qqs8 wrote

We'd be much better off if they were legalized. Users enrolled in maintenance programs don't need to commit property crimes as the drugs are provided for the pennies per dose they cost the state, they commit fewer other crimes, and are more likely to maintain housing and employment. ODs are also primarily from unknown dosages of unknown fent analogs.

A large portion of the harm you're attributing to those substances arises because of prohibition. While there's certainly substantial intrinsic harms, these are maximized by keeping them illegal, and a properly regulated system of legalization would minimize them in addition to eliminating all the harm caused exclusively by prohibition (like property crime for drug money).

For these substances, it's a complete strawman to think legalization means OTC sales on every corner, nobody serious is proposing that model, but it does mean a system of being able to acquire them in a medicalized setting.


MissCherryPi t1_j2zcupt wrote

They have a lot of clinical uses. I recommend “A Really Good Day” by Aylet Wildman and “How to Change Your Mind” by Michael Pollan. These books influenced my thinking on this.