
VoiceOfLunacy t1_j1bfsfn wrote

Last year, I was shopping for insurance, and the person said something like "our photo shows 3 cars parked in front of your house, and you didn't say you own a Volvo." Well, that's because I dont fucking own a volvo, and why the hell do you have pictures of my house? They also asked who made the rail on the steps in my backyard (which you cant see from the street).


VoiceOfLunacy t1_iwzsla5 wrote

I specifically said because it was overplayed, I don’t enjoy it anymore. I said nothing about others listening or being able to enjoy, just that I don’t.


VoiceOfLunacy t1_iwywnx1 wrote

I used to enjoy listening to Queen. After Waynes World, the local radio stations played a queen song every 3rd of 4th. After hearing Bohemian Rhapsody, Under Pressure or any other Queen song for the 5th time that hour and for months on end, I got kinda burnt on hearing it. Its been what, 30 years? and I still turn the radio off every time I hear Queen come on.