
WhatAmiDoingHere1022 t1_jan28ag wrote

Like is it back breaking work. Like really heavy lifting and maneuvering heavy things all day. Pretty much like them jobs when u get out of work. It takes everything u have in you to take a shower. I’m possibly thinking of a career change. I’m 40 I’m definitely not trying to get into something like that. I


WhatAmiDoingHere1022 t1_j9c0ydo wrote

Applebees I’m garden city use to have two young guys come into the bar on I think Wednesday nights and sing live music they reminded me of that group oasis or something like that they were good. Does anyone remember this was probably about 2009-10 that I’m thinking. Does anyone know any low key music like this that’s not at an actual club but just a restaurant or lounge?