
t1_iybe2va wrote

Police and other emergency personnel are allowed to drive over the speed limit without lights or sirens if they are responding to a non emergency. When I was working EMS we had 3 levels of response. Level 1 was lights and sirens, 2 was quick but to lights and sirens, 3 was drive normal. So it's possible he was on a level 2 response somewhere, then when he saw you following him at a high rate of speed he told someone else to respond to the call so he could stop you .

Funny little fact too. Technically there's still a law on the books that says mail carriers are allowed to run red lights


t1_iy976uz wrote

South of the city is the nicer area. The South Shore is the nicest but the further you go down into it the more expensive it gets. The Quincy/Braintree area might be what you're looking for. Both are only about a 15 minute drive into the city, then you go the other way and you have some really nice coastal areas with nice dining and shopping, The Plymouth waterfront area is fun. they both have access to the train. Quincy has some good nightlife.


t1_iwi1hwm wrote

It's a combination of things. Some people are just scared and suck at driving. Another reason though is that Massachusetts drivers can be very stubborn and think they own the road, so they refuse to provide space for other drivers to merge, because the law says that the motorist on the highway has the right of way. Which is why I think we need to make a new traffic law saying that you have to allow other traffic to merge if it's safe.