
Writerwithoutsoul OP t1_j7yux2p wrote

Thank you, I try my best :). Also, yeah, Jaime is into this science-shit as well, so we will propably break into some labs next. It will be difficult for us to do this the legal way because we recently fucked up some more (you can view my update in the comments), but I'm sure we can pull some funny Frankenstein-shit together ourselves with some research.

Wish us luck!


Writerwithoutsoul OP t1_j7u8ifs wrote

You're right, thanks for clarifying that. I also believe that addiction is never a choice, no matter whether it's alcohol or skin-shifting.

As a child, I was actually very angry at my birth-parents for being the way they were. I thought they choose their addiction over me, that I had just not been good enough. But then, Mom told me stories on how addiction affects the brain, even some annectdotes of her own patients, of good people, loving people with families, who really did want to stop because they loved their kids so, so much, but couldn't. This really helped me come to terms with the death of my birth-parents back then. She was a good Mom before I ate her.


Writerwithoutsoul OP t1_j7tmyy4 wrote

That is a great idea! Change the narrative lol. I would say I am good enough of an actress to actually do this, and I would love to pretend to be the normal one for once.

But the thing about Dave is, he does not really pull stuff when teachers are around. If we tell a teacher, it is his word against ours, and teachers sort of hate me. They hate Jaime... less, but if he goes to them, they will propably assume that he is just lying to excuse me almost punching Dave yesterday.

Also, there is something more to this kid. We really told NO ONE about the exorcism shit. Not a soul. Our case was handled as domestic abuse/"parents getting rid of children to start over" - thing. So, David must be involved in all of this somehow. The only people who knew what happened in that basement were Mom, Jaime, me and Dad. This is why we are really fucking terrified rn.


Writerwithoutsoul OP t1_j7rew25 wrote

I will look into the therapy models, never really thought of that so far, but it seems very much genius. The school project as well, "family history" would make a good hang-up for it, honestly.

Lmao "becoming an annoying gen-z", that's genius. I already am annoying, so this would underline my personality, actually. The stage make-up could be super-cool as well, I always wanted to develop my very limited makeup skills, and imagine how overdramatic I could be with the urge to look for trouble AND super cool, long eyelashes. I will DEFINITELY do this, and also look what other funny witches I will find locally.

The thing is, we are not in a hurry about the shifting-research, but we do need to get that Dave thing sorted out fast. I will not go to school with that fucker there. He knows too much.


Writerwithoutsoul OP t1_j7r91u0 wrote

Thanks for the ideas! The coporate thing sounds fun, now I have a plan on what to do for a living :) And yeah, maybe movies did fuck up my head and everyone I would be talking to about this would be real nice, but I am not thrilled at the idea of telling authorities because they might put 2 + 2 together and figure out how my Mom disappeared, and then I'm screwed. Also, Granny is currently my legal guardian (we are 16) and I do not want her to stab me if she finds out about this. But anyway, I'll look into your ideas, maybe I can find a way around those issues and we can become Black Widow and Jaime Bond.


Writerwithoutsoul OP t1_j7r6rh4 wrote

Yeah we thought about joining the military very, very briefly, but fortunately, we are not American, and I'm honestly not sure whether or not my country has an organization similar to the secret-service, we barely send working tanks to Ukraine lol. But even if I were American, I wouldn't trust those dudes, I heard that they lock people like me up in Area 51. :(


Writerwithoutsoul OP t1_j7r5xiy wrote

Oh, the voodoo thing is a good idea, gotta look into that! We life in a really small town though and cannot have drivers licenses yet, so idk how far we'll get. Maybe I can find someone online.

The "scientific method" is something Jaime wants to try as well (he took AP Biology and has since started to say "from a logical point of view"super-often, which is very annoying). So yeah, he cannot wait to put some needles into me, but I gotta see what he wants to do exactly before I agree to this. Will keep you updated.

Also, many people have suggested therapy, but neither me nor my brother ever went because a) Mom was a therapist, and you see how that turned out and b) I cannot talk about my emotional issues without anyone asking for the so-called "reasons" and I get into ranting-mode fast and I am scared that I will let something slip that gets me tried for murder. Also, laying down on a couch and crying sounds boring.


Writerwithoutsoul OP t1_j7r4e20 wrote

Yuna again. I don't believe this shit was my fault (anymore), I mainly refered to this as an addiction because my skin falls of like I'm on fucking meth and I am scared that it will get worse the more often I do it.

Your plan is fun in theory, but seems kind of hard to pull off in practice. Like, where do I get bad people from? And where do I draw the line here? Do I only eat murderers? Bullies? Dudes who are mean to cats? Does that include children who are mean to cats? And if I continue down this road, doesn't doing this make me as bad as the people I kill? I would like to eat Dave, because fuck Dave, and as the next day is approaching, I think I propably will (I'll tell you how it goes). But overall, I do not believe in the death penalty (not American lol) and I cannot just find random monsters on the street.


Writerwithoutsoul OP t1_j7po6u0 wrote

Hi kind stranger, Jaime here, Yuna is currently on what she calls "a walk", but what I am pretty sure is just going into the woods to either scream in anger or hit a tree.

Thank you for your love. Our situation obviously is not that great, but honestly a lot of the stories on this page seem to be worse, at least we both made it out alive.

Yeah some very smart people are on here, but idk maybe no one has the energy to read all of our crap. We propably should have kept this shorter, but we have absoloutely no idea which details of this are relevant and which aren't.

As the next school-day is approaching, we are currently debating just telling Granny about Dave when she gets home. She is pretty cool and the only adult who has not disappointed us yet, but I'm kinda worried that this will lead to her finding out about my sister's shifting and then... you know, stabbing her to death or some shit. I do not want a repetition of this post, and I definitely do not want us to fight Granny, she is eighty-two and this would be a new level of fucked up. Also, when she is dead, we would definitely go into forster care. But I am honestly out of my depth here and maybe she knows some stuff we don't.