
Yeuph t1_j3wyfcl wrote

Yes I know it is due to the centrifugal force, which was why I said that.

The question about the planet was not about that, it was about the effect of a fast orbit on perceived gravity depending upon which side of the planet you were on relative to the orbit

The earth thing was just to show these types of effects can have measurable effects, not that it was exactly the same


Yeuph t1_j3wlhwh wrote

I wonder what the "gravity" difference is when you're standing outside of the orbit vs when you're inside the orbit being pushed outward while standing on the planet. It's probably small but measurable.

I think the centrifugal force causes a weight difference of about 0.5% on the Earth standing on the equator vs standing on the poles, it's pretty large actually


Yeuph t1_iuxh174 wrote

Some colony spiders like the Bagheera kiplingi have pretty incredible societies - at least from a spider perspective. They even seem to have a learned culture that disappears if you remove them from their colony - in that they forget the cooperative methods they use having male spiders guard young spiderlings while mama goes for a snack; and it's not exclusive to their own children. They all just work cooperatively to make their mamosa plant host a safe place.

If you remove them from being raised around their colony they don't really exhibit the same cooperative behaviors - literally spider culture


Yeuph t1_iur2prf wrote

No, no it wouldn't. We have classical quantum proof cryptography.

Granted there always exists a chance some brilliant mathematician will discover math to break cryptography that thousands of other PhDs over the course of generations haven't been able to see or discover; with quantum cryptography you're relying on known laws of physics for unbreakable cryptography - so in theory it's more secure, but only trivially so and in practice there is no reason to suspect our quantum proof cryptography is vulnerable to Classical or quantum algorithms