
Yolkozuna t1_jdma13f wrote

In my town at least 3 of the firefighters have their personal cars tinted on all windows. One I know of claimed the doctor’s note excuse. So once those “authorities” start bending the rules for themselves, it follows that the rest of us will.

As an aside, I’m not so sure I feel safe what with the first responders having such a serious disability.


Yolkozuna t1_j67u2xw wrote

This is, unfortunately, all too common. We see it in our town of less than 5k. The biggest reason it’s allowed to get to this point is due to an overwhelmed foster care/social worker system - there’s nowhere to put these kids. And when children grow up in this environment they come with a unique set of issues, too, which makes it that much harder to find good homes for them. It’s heartbreaking.


Yolkozuna t1_j5izyb0 wrote

Depends on what kind of breakfast atmosphere you want. I prefer a local greasy spoon, and my favorite is Northwood Diner. The owner is there every Sunday morning, talks to everyone, and hangs at the counter with the regulars. I take my kids regularly to expose them to real people.