
ItsJustMeBeinCurious t1_j54pc93 wrote

I remember that a radio DJ had a skit about the DC slug lines. In the skit he (variations where he was driver or passenger) would get entrails from a butcher and put them along with knives in a briefcase. On the commute he’d then open the case to get some papers from the brief. Knives and guts revealed.

Yup, the risks people take to use the HOV lanes.


ItsJustMeBeinCurious t1_iyai404 wrote

Unlikely your brother will ever bring this up. He was embarrassed by your friend sharing intimate details. Trust me, I don’t want to hear about any of my sisters’ sex lives. He didn’t either. If I did hear it wouldn’t change anything between us.


ItsJustMeBeinCurious t1_ixk5ree wrote

Many people have few morals when it comes to money. Unfortunately that sometimes includes parents. You have, they want and suddenly it’s gone and the excuses come out on how it was never really yours. I’m sorry you had to learn this. Separate your finances and guard them carefully.