_PM_ME_PANGOLINS_ t1_itkuvxk wrote

But they were one of the most successful bands of the 80s…

> Their success on both pop and dance charts saw them listed in the Guinness World Records for achieving the world's highest number of chart entries by an all-female group. Between 1982 and 2009, they had 30 singles reach the Top 50 of the UK Singles Chart.

They never had a UK #1, but Venus was a #1 in many other places.


_PM_ME_PANGOLINS_ t1_it6htj1 wrote

A lot of the time (including today) people don't really think about what their names mean, they're just names. And a lot of the older Roman names (Ceasar, Antony, Vincent) have no definite origin, but here goes:

Elephant of Light the Seventh Severe Pious Obstinate Majesty
Elephant of Mars the Golden Priceless Pious Lucky Majesty
People's Seventh Geta
Light's Conqueror the Pious
Rejoicing Strongman the Shy

Geta isn't Latin or Etruscan, but appears to refer to an ancient Romanian tribe.

Ordinal names (e.g. Seventh) were traditionally used for numbering siblings, not in the way we use Jr. or III today.


_PM_ME_PANGOLINS_ t1_it2ccu1 wrote

Spanish and Latin are different languages.

If you mean "cheerful, jolly", then the Latin is laetus.
If you mean "lucky, fortunate", then the Latin is felix.
If you mean "blessed, prosperous", then the Latin is beatus.
If you mean "rejoicing, celebrating" then the Latin is gaudiam.