
__init__dive t1_itvi025 wrote

That is up to you - it is a pretty cool place. I'm happier and much less stressed living in NC. My hour-to-hour, day-to-day life is much easier. There are perhaps fewer things to do and weekends are maybe less fun though. That's sort of the trade-off I have felt.

I also have not really interacted with any "ultra-religious" people in RDU...maybe just a little religious? People have been generally kinder and less...intense.

Just beware the grass isn't always greener.


__init__dive t1_itt4uwt wrote

Most things that didn't involve money or winter. Walking down the street to get coffee or, go to the bakery or go to the bar are at the top of the list.

Moved to raleigh-durham. I pay less for an apartment that's nearly twice as large, much newer/nicer, has A/C, easy parking, in unit washer/dryer and costs a few hundred less.

General COL is noticeably lower especially since I kept my Boston salary and recently got a raise.