
a_phantom_limb t1_j2c6bua wrote

It's easy - and fully justified - to be disgusted with her. But her "leadership" was always an illusion. The only power she ever held was what the junta granted her… and then took away once she was no longer useful to them.

I don't particularly care anymore what happens to her personally, but the junta's continued lawlessness should always be challenged.


a_phantom_limb t1_iwk63x6 wrote

Is it loaded language? Sure. Is it hyperbolic? In terms of impact, I honestly don't think so. If one is advocating on behalf of an ecosystem, as is sometimes the case both rhetorically and legally, some human terms are going to be applied. No one literally wages war against the environment and no one can literally terrorize a habitat, but the end result is equivalent: human-caused carnage endured by organisms that can't defend themselves from people's actions.

Still, your objection is valid and I'll try to rephrase it.


a_phantom_limb t1_iwjiwzk wrote

If, by any chance, the person that did it thought they were standing up for animal rights, they actually just committed something akin to an act of terrorism against the local environment that will have consequences for decades. Wildlife in that region will be devastated.

Edit: To be clear, I believe that mink farms are abhorrent and should banned. But unleashing tens of thousands of predators into the local ecosystem is quite terrible.