
t1_jc0au2u wrote

>The Big Bang theory states that the universe is 14 billion years old, but in all honesty, I do not believe the big bang theory. I find it hard to believe that everything was created from a tiny little ball. It just sounds ridiculous

You don't have to believe the big bang theory but you shouldn't dismiss it simply because it sounds strange. Lots of scientific discoveries that we use everyday sounded ridiculous when they were first made. If you don't believe in a dominant theory then you sort of need to explain why it doesn't work, rather than just saying it doesn't sound right.

While the big bang isn't perfect, it is the best theory we have to fit the universe as we observe it now. So you'd need to explain why these observations aren't right.


t1_jb9czs4 wrote

Ion thruster and chemical rockets are for different purposes. I don't think they'll ever replace each other for the roles they are designed for.

Ion thrusters are good for control when in space (like controlling the movement of a satellite) because it doesn't need large solid fuel reserves to operate, but it's also not strong enough to push through the atmosphere.

Chemical rockets are powerful enough to push through air, but they take too much fuel and burn too uncontrolled to be useful for control once in space.


t1_jabozb0 wrote

Hard agree on everything on your list, except I would say that 7 Nation Army is probably more overplayed than overrated. It isn't even the best song in that album but it was a fine enough song until it was played at every single sporting event for the last 20 years.

I'd add to your list Imagine by John Lennon. The lyrics are so bad I think even 14 year old internet edgelords who make up songs for tiktok would be embarrassed to write them. It's an appalling song not even fit to be a Beatles b-side (and I don't really like the Beatles).


t1_j9n3lb7 wrote

No. If you say "God did it" then it simply raises the question of how God did it. Eg. Did they use dark matter as a mechanism to do it?

If you don't ask that follow up question, then you aren't really looking for an explanation of how the universe works, and that's the main question.


t1_j2kjofo wrote

Soon - My Bloody Valentine off Loveless

Good Morning Captain - Slint off Spiderland

Wachovia - Pissed Jeans off Shallow

Musette & Drums - Cocteau Twins off The Pink Opaque (not an album but still a banger closer)

All of these songs leave me slightly breathless at the end of a great album.