
analog_x700 t1_j7hdlof wrote

The other night I got on the train twice and there were a few cars with homeless people sleeping in them, a violent guy kicking at the doors and threatening to fuck people up, and the smell of shit lingering strongly in the air.

Now obviously most trips aren’t like this, but it happens. And when it does, you can just move over to a different car. With open gangway cars, however, it’s going to be a bit harder to do that, no?

I never understood the appeal and reason for them, but if that’s going to be part of the subway experience, it’ll be interesting to see how it plays out - for better or for worse.


analog_x700 t1_is6du2d wrote

Kachapuri has really great Georgian food for cheap prices. That entire area in Midwood feels like you’re in a different country in general. South Brooklyn is slept on big time. A lot of transplants couldn’t care less about it. Oh well, more cheap food for the rest of us that give a shit.