anchordown16 t1_ja8x91x wrote
Reply to Starry's Bankruptcy by unresolved_m
I use Starry and it's so cheap - I had one outage for about an hour but that's it. Feels a little "too good to be true" hoping it stays in business.
anchordown16 OP t1_izhx471 wrote
Reply to comment by corned_beef_balls in Any experiences with VIM gym? by anchordown16
Thanks, Corned Beef Balls.
anchordown16 OP t1_izgcdwj wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Any experiences with VIM gym? by anchordown16
Thanks - seems like this is the only con that's showed up aside from it being busy...and I can walk there so I think I'm good.
anchordown16 t1_jao4br7 wrote
Reply to comment by Kind-Construction-57 in Atwood's Tavern is Closing by zepporamone
Wow what a show that would be. When was it?