
assholelarry t1_jbm76es wrote

Back in the early days of the lockdown they went on social media blast trashing other restaurant owners and anyone who had any negative comments regarding their food. Like full on bat shit crazy. I get the defensiveness to some degree, but when you verbally assassinate another business because “your” wings are better than “their” wings…

I guess it sounds like friendly competition now that I’ve typed it out, but Ellen went so nasty. And then nastier when people called her out on her behavior rather than admitting she was inappropriate.

It’s not terrible, there are just so many better options that I’d rather support with limited dining out budget.


assholelarry t1_jbjun2n wrote

It’s the humans that own Jules that make it a no-go for me. The food is “ok”, the pricing is high for what you get - solid meh and I don’t care to support their business with the way they handle themselves.

There’s JPs in Essex Junction as well. Nothing fancy - but it’s fast and predictable. Reasonably priced. Nice humans. Many regulars that I see there every week.