bingybunny t1_j9yixec wrote
Reply to comment by GussieFinkN0ttle in Isint 95/91 long wharf just ur favorite by TheDailyHour
the stretch between west haven and bridgeport has been rated as one of America's top 100 traffic bottlenecks for years. there's 50 states and our tiny state has 7 on the top 100 list
bingybunny t1_j9su3hp wrote
Reply to comment by HarryHacker42 in Boris Johnson wants to become NATO Secretary General by thejebusofsuburbia
Boris you must distract our enemies wiz anozzer Borksit
bingybunny t1_j9sqkjx wrote
Reply to comment by Northwindlowlander in ELI5: Why do people wear different types of helmets when skiing and bicycling? by LucasUnited
sure the helmet protects your head when you're biking. but what about going up on a ladder? the roller rink? sprinting at 16 mph? getting out of a bathtub. 30,000 people die in cars every year, but no crash helmets for drivers?
People don't wear a helmet for lots of activities. if you need one for riding a dutch bike you should just wear one all the time, like when driving a convertible or walking in winter or descending a long flight of stairs
if you're racing or doing bmx or downhill dirt jumping, sure, wear a helmet, it's not going to prevent a spine injury tho
bingybunny t1_j9oe8xm wrote
Reply to Non yale spots? by rx11wg
-everyplace is either super elite or super trashy with no place in between
welcome to connecticut.
bingybunny t1_j9oczu9 wrote
Reply to comment by SharkMark18 in Donovan's Reef, Branford by DeskFan203
the general tso's was perfect, on the level of real Shanghainese food, Barry's scorpion bowl was like an aphrodisiac and neurotoxin
bingybunny t1_j9bkssl wrote
Reply to comment by Ecofre-33919 in Donovan's Reef, Branford by DeskFan203
the happy hour in the early 2000s was dope. Rosemary roast chicken, gabagool and cheese sandwiches, roasted potatoes. Ant DeSerio from Food Schmooze on NPR was the bartender
bingybunny t1_j9bjeod wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Donovan's Reef, Branford by DeskFan203
they took 300k in PPP loans that vanished and 100k in unpaid rent according to the article.
i bet they didn't pay suppliers either. add in the wage theft and this person was easily half a million dollars in the weeds
Dragon East was another longtime landmark that went under during the pandemic
bingybunny t1_j8y6wqe wrote
Reply to comment by buried_lede in So ….does anyone else smell a foreign scent outside? Was just walking out my back door I can’t place what it is. Slightly panicked that is from Ohio…. by Smokeshow-Joe
well, that shit is clearly headed right for us
bingybunny t1_j8ui22h wrote
Reply to comment by pickled_philanges in [image]Don't give up! by Yekduitin
"attention is like rent. you have to pay it. make life your landlord"
bingybunny t1_j8rsbor wrote
Reply to comment by SwummySlippySlappy in watch red sox without cable? by stephenawood
as a Pirates fan i felt it was cheaper to actually go to Three Rivers stadium than to get cable from Comcast
bingybunny t1_j8rnw9k wrote
Reply to comment by wgn431234 in street harassment by Cool-Jacket4854
shout out to leg shavin new haven
bingybunny t1_j8ntxs3 wrote
Reply to comment by SwummySlippySlappy in watch red sox without cable? by stephenawood
there's yankees bars and red sox bars tho,
around here you gotta look for sox swag on the exterior of the establishment
say you're a mets fan if anyone gets in your face
bingybunny t1_j7loqmh wrote
Reply to comment by kppeterc15 in How is Hamden for living? by oodrishsho
yeah the one thing about hamden is that if you live near the canal trail, you really can ride your bike for everything. it's a pretty easy ride from shops and things near Quinnipiac U to Hamden Plaza and Home Depot, through to Yale and downtown
you could literally buy lumber on your cargo bike and not deal with any cars
bingybunny t1_j74hoyz wrote
Reply to comment by joemondo in [Image] The choice is yours. by yadavhimanshu961
the vibe is Desert Storm era PowerPoint
bingybunny t1_j6rp9av wrote
Reply to comment by missouriprincess in Looking for a therapist with United Healthcare by missouriprincess
there's a shortage of providers
bingybunny t1_j6mutwf wrote
Reply to comment by The_Humble_Frank in Study uncovers a surprising level of heterogeneity in psychopathy among condemned capital murderers: While a substantial proportion of the offenders exhibited heightened psychopathic features, others showed no signs of psychopathy by HeinieKaboobler
I read that a lot of atrocities in the early parts of the war were possibly sparked due to german soldiers eating methamphetamine tablets for a solid week, getting paranoid and losing their brain function due to lack of sleep
Hitler himself was on enough stimulants to foam at the mouth for hours, to give meth flavored speeches that are full of delusions of grandeur
bingybunny t1_j5yqiqb wrote
Reply to Food question! by TofuTheBlackCat
If you're super pressed for time, Brazi's is right there. It's legit, haven't been in a while but it's good, old school fine dining.
bingybunny t1_j5v53ht wrote
Reply to comment by Sweaty_Conclusion_80 in Pedestrian struck, killed on Whalley Avenue in New Haven by brewski
I was helping a client open a restaurant on Whalley, that failed. The lady at the chamber of commerce said that part of town was historically always kinda treated as a no-man's land between the big cemetery and the debtor's prison
bingybunny t1_j5tghqn wrote
Reply to comment by buried_lede in Pedestrian struck, killed on Whalley Avenue in New Haven by brewski
after a pedestrian was killed their idea was to widen the street so cars can go faster.
pretty sure Whalley Ave and Rt. 34 downtown connector was designed to destroy city life in black neighborhoods, and concentrate student spending in York Square.
The 6 lane road ends at Yale because rich white kids would die crossing that road
bingybunny t1_j43yit2 wrote
Reply to Homeless looking for safe parking by Little-Weight-7251
rest stop on 91. 24 hr bathrooms and soda
bingybunny t1_j33w1tr wrote
Reply to comment by Cutepandabutts in Depressing subreddit by CatharticFarts
it's all drone warfare, viruses, ai and police robots in the headlines who needs futurism when you have now
bingybunny t1_j332qvx wrote
Reply to East Rock Park - 1/5/2023 by YankeeinNCandIhateit
nice tight grouping, 9mm or .38 hollow points
bingybunny t1_j2e5nw6 wrote
Reply to comment by _jericho in Gold coated silver nanowires that is electrically active, biocompatible, breathable, and stays on unless rubbed in soap & water. by SciurusAtreus
no need to break your arms, thanks to the Clit Commander 2000
bingybunny t1_j1w4oug wrote
Reply to Local activity ideas ? by [deleted]
Have you tried seasonal affective caffeine vampirism?
bingybunny t1_j9yjmo4 wrote
Reply to comment by BMP353 in Isint 95/91 long wharf just ur favorite by TheDailyHour
nah. it's fine like it is. better to smoke jazz cigarettes and get that cartoonish giant pineapple with a straw in it