
bingybunny t1_j9sqkjx wrote

sure the helmet protects your head when you're biking. but what about going up on a ladder? the roller rink? sprinting at 16 mph? getting out of a bathtub. 30,000 people die in cars every year, but no crash helmets for drivers?

People don't wear a helmet for lots of activities. if you need one for riding a dutch bike you should just wear one all the time, like when driving a convertible or walking in winter or descending a long flight of stairs

if you're racing or doing bmx or downhill dirt jumping, sure, wear a helmet, it's not going to prevent a spine injury tho


bingybunny t1_j9oe8xm wrote

Reply to Non yale spots? by rx11wg

-everyplace is either super elite or super trashy with no place in between

welcome to connecticut.


bingybunny t1_j9bjeod wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in Donovan's Reef, Branford by DeskFan203

they took 300k in PPP loans that vanished and 100k in unpaid rent according to the article.

i bet they didn't pay suppliers either. add in the wage theft and this person was easily half a million dollars in the weeds

Dragon East was another longtime landmark that went under during the pandemic


bingybunny t1_j7loqmh wrote

Reply to comment by kppeterc15 in How is Hamden for living? by oodrishsho

yeah the one thing about hamden is that if you live near the canal trail, you really can ride your bike for everything. it's a pretty easy ride from shops and things near Quinnipiac U to Hamden Plaza and Home Depot, through to Yale and downtown

you could literally buy lumber on your cargo bike and not deal with any cars


bingybunny t1_j6mutwf wrote

I read that a lot of atrocities in the early parts of the war were possibly sparked due to german soldiers eating methamphetamine tablets for a solid week, getting paranoid and losing their brain function due to lack of sleep

Hitler himself was on enough stimulants to foam at the mouth for hours, to give meth flavored speeches that are full of delusions of grandeur


bingybunny t1_j5yqiqb wrote

If you're super pressed for time, Brazi's is right there. It's legit, haven't been in a while but it's good, old school fine dining.


bingybunny t1_j5tghqn wrote

after a pedestrian was killed their idea was to widen the street so cars can go faster.

pretty sure Whalley Ave and Rt. 34 downtown connector was designed to destroy city life in black neighborhoods, and concentrate student spending in York Square.

The 6 lane road ends at Yale because rich white kids would die crossing that road