
bonez3113 t1_j1hpoac wrote

Derry. No power since 830am yesterday. Was told multiple times by eversource we should have power by 8pm. Nope. Stayed in the house w 2 young children. It’s 47* in the house now.


bonez3113 t1_j13nucm wrote

Honestly, some of these people don’t need court dates and jail time…instead they could use a good beating. Imagine minding your own business and your vehicle or property you worked hard to pay for gets fucked up by an absolute turd of a human being. If I saw that guy, I’d be pulling him out of his truck to throw him a vicious beating.


bonez3113 t1_j04oi1b wrote

Nice. Now let’s see more of it. Some semblance of traffic enforcement would be nice. People have no clue how to drive. Lack of directionals. Lights not on during dusk/inclement weather. Last but not least the biggest issue…..people using their cell phones while on the road. Those people need to lose their licenses for 6 months for the first offense.


bonez3113 t1_iwmaz0s wrote

This is not true. Don’t listen to this guy. Given OPs unique situation, he is fucked and needs to report that as Mass income. If you’re a nonresident working for a Mass based company, you can apportion wages based on the days actually in Mass.


bonez3113 t1_iu1zxjc wrote

He’d rather be a nice guy and hope the police arrive before the guy fuckin massacres his family. Personally, I don’t take chances when it comes to my family’s lives. No one should be inside a strangers domicile period. Lol. In the fuckin basement? The home? Get the fuck outta here. How old was this clown? 30s? Your actions have consequences.


bonez3113 t1_iu1svs2 wrote

Not creaming at all. Hate putting up with stupid bullshit. Lol you’re a clown. This guy is a clown. He made the decision to do drugs and enter someone’s home with a lethal weapon. Someone is in your basement in the middle of the night with an ax…. Yea just calmly call the police and hope they get there before he beheads you and your family. Go bail him out and get him the help he needs bro if you’re such a righteous person.