
brickmaster32000 t1_jd4sbtq wrote

>I still don't know how they did it..

Sinple, they didn't make it an option. If you can't buy the older version with the perpetual license you can't use it. Within piracy the companies can quarentee that the number of people on such licenses slowly decreases down to nothing.


brickmaster32000 t1_jaarulq wrote

The idea of "legit" or "reliable" really shows a misunderstanding of what a source is supposed to be. A source isn't meant to be "I believe this to be correct and this person agrees with me so you should believe me too". A source should be actual data. That way people can look at the data and determine if it actually supports the claims you make.


brickmaster32000 t1_j93fw5t wrote

Chess has only 6 types of pieces with absolutely no variations among the same pieces. Each piece has only ever has a limited number of possible paths, 27 at max but on average only 11. Yet after only 5 turns for both players there are 69,352,859,712,417 possible outcomes.


brickmaster32000 t1_iyufaf2 wrote

I always find the assumption that a nigh omnipotent creature like a genie or a devil couldn't ever choose to just say, "fuck it", and break their rules funny. Like how much do you really want to push such a being as a human with no actual power of your own to stop them if things go bad?


brickmaster32000 t1_iyc0gzj wrote

That is how many of these prompts work. So many are just variations of, "You are the most special person alive but everyone is too stupid to see it until one day you prove that you are the bestist person ever!"


brickmaster32000 t1_iw6ixu6 wrote

It actually is on a wheelchair. You need at least one hand to manuever a chair and the other hand is likely needed to open doors and move obstacles. Trying to hold anything in your lap tends to end poorly as eventually you need to stop and your thighs are ill equipped to stop thongs from jerking forward when you do.


brickmaster32000 t1_iuq0p59 wrote

You've got a faulty inference there. Digital media being unable to perfectly replicate analog media, which whithin a limited bandwidth it actually can do perfectly, does not imply that it is worse than analog media because analog media has its own set of limitations and distortions that digital media doesn't suffer from.

If your goal is to recreate the actual sound you would hear if you were in the room you are going to be better off with a good digital file. If however your goal is to replicate the sound as it would be distorted by a record and record player then yes, using a record would be the better option.


brickmaster32000 t1_itwo1zh wrote

I think it is exactly this conversation. If you want to pack up and ship the homeless out of your neighborhood you have a responsibility to do it in a humane way. You can't just send them all to asylums and pretend like what happens there isn't your responsibility when you were the one that wanted to put them there.

Why not just skip the middle man and propose dumping them in the desert? Sure they might all starve and die but thats a different conversation right, so not worth thinking about when proposing these actions.


brickmaster32000 t1_ir5baq4 wrote

>Excellent surgeons rarely (if ever) need a gee-whiz marketing angle to wash their hands to prove to patients that they are up-to-date on all the expensive gizmos. are cleanly.

That is what your rant reminds me off. Treating surgeons as if they are perfect and shouldn't be asked to use tools that can help them do their jobs better.