capsaicinintheeyes t1_jdhzmkc wrote
Reply to comment by mac4281 in [OC] In 2022, Mexico traded more with Texas than it did with all of Asia and 6x as much as it did with all of LatAm. by latinometrics
Not for the amount of guns those guys buy
capsaicinintheeyes t1_j6kfl65 wrote
Reply to I’m pro choice but this was tough to see by panoparker
Plot twist: father is Sid from Toy Story--this was a mercy.
capsaicinintheeyes OP t1_j48s9jw wrote
Reply to comment by SligPants in PsBattle: ear of corn with huitlacoche by capsaicinintheeyes
Look at his beautiful cornage!
capsaicinintheeyes OP t1_j469w5n wrote
Reply to comment by Zahz in PsBattle: ear of corn with huitlacoche by capsaicinintheeyes
I thought about using that term for the title, but was worried it'd be struck for editorializing with an added admonition not to project my fantasies
capsaicinintheeyes t1_iy8176r wrote
Reply to Blueberry Series #7, Me, Procreate, 2022 by Stridoleo
This painting is about to release a long-anticipated joint project it did with Jerry Bruckheimer & Warner Bros. Pictures
capsaicinintheeyes OP t1_iu9m8yk wrote
Reply to comment by TumLab in TIL Al Capone was only 33 when he was locked away for tax evasion and developed neurosyphilis, leading to his death at 48. Eliot Ness was 27 when he formed the Untouchables--he died in a state of financial ruin in his 50s, likely hastened by his heavy drinking in his later life by capsaicinintheeyes
Hey, we also bump gangsta rap!
EDIT: but kidding aside, I think a lot of it does have its roots in prohibition: it was an era where a lot of otherwise mild-mannered people suddenly found themselves on the wrong side of the law, and I don't think our culture ever really "recovered" from it.
capsaicinintheeyes OP t1_iu9m28n wrote
Reply to comment by NinDiGu in TIL Al Capone was only 33 when he was locked away for tax evasion and developed neurosyphilis, leading to his death at 48. Eliot Ness was 27 when he formed the Untouchables--he died in a state of financial ruin in his 50s, likely hastened by his heavy drinking in his later life by capsaicinintheeyes
I'm a big fan
capsaicinintheeyes OP t1_iu9ljvl wrote
Reply to comment by FartFountain69 in TIL Al Capone was only 33 when he was locked away for tax evasion and developed neurosyphilis, leading to his death at 48. Eliot Ness was 27 when he formed the Untouchables--he died in a state of financial ruin in his 50s, likely hastened by his heavy drinking in his later life by capsaicinintheeyes
^((I only knew the word existed bc I saw it on a QI episode)^)
capsaicinintheeyes OP t1_iu9kz5r wrote
Reply to comment by rubemechanical in TIL Al Capone was only 33 when he was locked away for tax evasion and developed neurosyphilis, leading to his death at 48. Eliot Ness was 27 when he formed the Untouchables--he died in a state of financial ruin in his 50s, likely hastened by his heavy drinking in his later life by capsaicinintheeyes
You'd need to send somebody with a thick skin for periodic racist screeds, but HP Lovecraft
capsaicinintheeyes OP t1_iu70qg8 wrote
Reply to comment by translucentpuppy in TIL Al Capone was only 33 when he was locked away for tax evasion and developed neurosyphilis, leading to his death at 48. Eliot Ness was 27 when he formed the Untouchables--he died in a state of financial ruin in his 50s, likely hastened by his heavy drinking in his later life by capsaicinintheeyes
Eliot Ness, his LE hotness
very well, it's gone. Let it die a slow, lingering death from its sickness.
capsaicinintheeyes OP t1_iu700r2 wrote
Reply to comment by Ajg1384 in TIL Al Capone was only 33 when he was locked away for tax evasion and developed neurosyphilis, leading to his death at 48. Eliot Ness was 27 when he formed the Untouchables--he died in a state of financial ruin in his 50s, likely hastened by his heavy drinking in his later life by capsaicinintheeyes
Neat—that's more my jam. Have yet to make it over there, I'm afraid
capsaicinintheeyes OP t1_iu6z4qj wrote
Reply to comment by Ajg1384 in TIL Al Capone was only 33 when he was locked away for tax evasion and developed neurosyphilis, leading to his death at 48. Eliot Ness was 27 when he formed the Untouchables--he died in a state of financial ruin in his 50s, likely hastened by his heavy drinking in his later life by capsaicinintheeyes
capsaicinintheeyes OP t1_iu5vpx3 wrote
Reply to comment by GrandmaPoses in TIL Al Capone was only 33 when he was locked away for tax evasion and developed neurosyphilis, leading to his death at 48. Eliot Ness was 27 when he formed the Untouchables--he died in a state of financial ruin in his 50s, likely hastened by his heavy drinking in his later life by capsaicinintheeyes
And I'm swelling...but that might just be from your Grandma poses
capsaicinintheeyes OP t1_iu5vkhd wrote
Reply to comment by bolanrox in TIL Al Capone was only 33 when he was locked away for tax evasion and developed neurosyphilis, leading to his death at 48. Eliot Ness was 27 when he formed the Untouchables--he died in a state of financial ruin in his 50s, likely hastened by his heavy drinking in his later life by capsaicinintheeyes
>made the Mob what it is
Really reawakened our national hybristophilia we hadn't seen since the days of the old West
capsaicinintheeyes OP t1_iu5uwx5 wrote
Reply to comment by res30stupid in TIL Al Capone was only 33 when he was locked away for tax evasion and developed neurosyphilis, leading to his death at 48. Eliot Ness was 27 when he formed the Untouchables--he died in a state of financial ruin in his 50s, likely hastened by his heavy drinking in his later life by capsaicinintheeyes
No chorus, just freeform lyrical structure: his Valentine's Day Massive Verse
capsaicinintheeyes OP t1_iu5um37 wrote
Reply to comment by JohnDunstable in TIL Al Capone was only 33 when he was locked away for tax evasion and developed neurosyphilis, leading to his death at 48. Eliot Ness was 27 when he formed the Untouchables--he died in a state of financial ruin in his 50s, likely hastened by his heavy drinking in his later life by capsaicinintheeyes
He's one of those people whose life ended before his legacy took off—you wish there was a way to let them know what the judgment of history will be
capsaicinintheeyes OP t1_iu5u9ur wrote
Reply to comment by DAMN_Fool_ in TIL Al Capone was only 33 when he was locked away for tax evasion and developed neurosyphilis, leading to his death at 48. Eliot Ness was 27 when he formed the Untouchables--he died in a state of financial ruin in his 50s, likely hastened by his heavy drinking in his later life by capsaicinintheeyes
Good thinking! Somebody get-* ...ohright...
capsaicinintheeyes OP t1_iu5ty6w wrote
Reply to comment by darkhorse298 in TIL Al Capone was only 33 when he was locked away for tax evasion and developed neurosyphilis, leading to his death at 48. Eliot Ness was 27 when he formed the Untouchables--he died in a state of financial ruin in his 50s, likely hastened by his heavy drinking in his later life by capsaicinintheeyes
They noticed his syphilis pretty early on in his confinement...I wonder if its early symptoms include any accelerated aging or facial swelling?
capsaicinintheeyes OP t1_iu5tf7q wrote
Reply to comment by Chundlebug in TIL Al Capone was only 33 when he was locked away for tax evasion and developed neurosyphilis, leading to his death at 48. Eliot Ness was 27 when he formed the Untouchables--he died in a state of financial ruin in his 50s, likely hastened by his heavy drinking in his later life by capsaicinintheeyes
He lost his head over it?
capsaicinintheeyes OP t1_iu5t1hu wrote
Reply to comment by bolanrox in TIL Al Capone was only 33 when he was locked away for tax evasion and developed neurosyphilis, leading to his death at 48. Eliot Ness was 27 when he formed the Untouchables--he died in a state of financial ruin in his 50s, likely hastened by his heavy drinking in his later life by capsaicinintheeyes
And even if you hate prohibition, it does change things when the people moving it are carrying out systemic, organized murder
capsaicinintheeyes OP t1_iu5skrm wrote
Reply to comment by cosmo740 in TIL Al Capone was only 33 when he was locked away for tax evasion and developed neurosyphilis, leading to his death at 48. Eliot Ness was 27 when he formed the Untouchables--he died in a state of financial ruin in his 50s, likely hastened by his heavy drinking in his later life by capsaicinintheeyes
"Damn it feels good to be a gangsta/ Getting voted into the White House..."
capsaicinintheeyes OP t1_iu4xa9i wrote
Reply to TIL Al Capone was only 33 when he was locked away for tax evasion and developed neurosyphilis, leading to his death at 48. Eliot Ness was 27 when he formed the Untouchables--he died in a state of financial ruin in his 50s, likely hastened by his heavy drinking in his later life by capsaicinintheeyes
& Eliot Ness; Capone, pictured here ~age 34 during his trial, had only been the head of the Chicago outfit for 7 years when he got pinched.
capsaicinintheeyes t1_itkle1z wrote
Reply to comment by iqisoverrated in Astronomers have clarified the expansion rate of the Universe by OkOrdinary5299
Let's you and me take a big rip & not inflate the role of my bit of poetic license here, even if the impulse is a universal constant--I'm sure two absolute astronomical units like ourselves can ^(...ah, fuck, I'm running out of layman astrophysics puns...)
capsaicinintheeyes t1_ithlq9y wrote
All of our lives have been & will be spent within the flowering of a single, slow-moving explosion
^({EDIT} so wait: this article doesn't clarify the expansion speed of the clarifies that we're even shakier on what it is than had previously been reported!)
capsaicinintheeyes t1_jdi0yp7 wrote
Reply to comment by Lvl7King in [OC] In 2022, Mexico traded more with Texas than it did with all of Asia and 6x as much as it did with all of LatAm. by latinometrics
I thought I remembered a bunch of sound and fury followed by the passing of a bill that was 99% pre-Trump NAFTA...but that's not to say there was nothing new in there that may have helped our trade I vaguely remember for the Mexican side something about insisting on minimum wages being higher for manufacturing cars that would be sold in the US, so either Mexican workers get a raise, US workers become more competitive, or both...which all seems win-win-win to me.
How does the data on OP's graph compare to the years before Trump's revisions passed, tho? I wouldn't know where to begin