
chain_me_up t1_jefkbtp wrote

Not a fan. Fuck him for the abortion ban, he doesn't care about LGBTQIA+ protections/rights, mental health services are absolutely abysmal here, he wants to bail out businesses more than help his citizens, he constantly vetoes marijuana bills since it means the state wouldn't be able to run their monopoly like the liquor stores, and he wants to appeal to the MAGA idiots. Frankly I don't understand why so many people vote for him.

Edit to add: He's not calling out these ridiculous book bans or parents begging to not let their kids know that some kids have 2 mommies/daddies and supports vouchers instead of our crippled public education. Surprised he's not calling out drag queens yet with the lot of them.


chain_me_up t1_jbfjuo7 wrote

Can't imagine disagreeing with doctors, psychologists, and health experts on care that has proven time and time again that it is beneficial and much more helpful rather than destructive or corruptive. People really act like someone just decides to remove their child's penis at age 11 when gender-affirmation care is NOT that.

Hormone treatments are also used and supported for many medical issues already existing, heck, I've needed to have extra estrogen since age 14.

Can the politicians focus on things that people actually need fixed like more/cheaper housing, better education, and more accessible health/mental health care ???


chain_me_up t1_j63y9qh wrote

No, but you claimed there was 5-6 antifa agents who framed the people going into the capitol. I haven't seen a single reputable source with information on this, do you have any links? I believe we're technically agreeing that claiming to be a member of a certain viewpoint doesn't mean you uphold it. But the difference is, I'm referring to your fake antifa scapegoats that you say existed to frame insurrectionists. They were not antifa members (antifa isn't a group), everyone involved in breaching the capitol is an insurrectionist. They did it for Trump and they are most certainly not against fascism, they literally tried to prop him up as a dictator.


chain_me_up t1_j63uy8p wrote

You literally just proved my point, antifa is not a group, it's a belief. Anyone can claim they are antifa (as seen by all people with their insane belief that "antifa" members snuck into the capitol to frame the insurrectionists) and create chaos. The people who entered the capitol committed treason and attempted a coup, they were Trump supporters doing whatever they could to keep their dear cheeto in office, not liberals trying to make people look bad. They WERE bad.


chain_me_up t1_j63tw74 wrote

Fascism: often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

It combines elements of nationalism, militarism, economic self-sufficiency, and totalitarianism. It opposes communism, socialism, pluralism, individual rights and equality, and democratic government. Fascism places the importance of the nation above all else.

So no, my definition isn't "anyone who disagrees with me" lmao, I know how to use a dictionary and I'm also open to hearing factual information from other sides. It just so happens that "sources" like fox news or the Babylon bee are not legitimate so I don't buy into the propaganda they try to spin as facts and evidence. It's almost like when I'm presented with facts and knowledge, I can learn and potentially even change my views to match with the facts, wow!! Give it a shot sometime.


chain_me_up t1_j5v2m8s wrote

Technically speaking it is super unsafe to have them in the front of the car or in your lap. They sell crash-test harnesses that you can buckle into your backseat that have a bit of spring so the dog can still move a bit, but cannot climb into the front. If anything, your pet on your lap could be just as distracting as texting and driving or unsafe if your animal obstructs your view or ability to drive. I really wish more people would invest in safer harnesses and just keep their pets in the back seat.