cloudrunner69 t1_jeewp31 wrote
Reply to comment by homezlice in 🚨 Why we need AI 🚨 by StarCaptain90
Dam those billionaire elite maniacs and their tyrannical dominance over screwdrivers!
cloudrunner69 t1_jeevvn8 wrote
Reply to comment by ididntwin in 🚨 Why we need AI 🚨 by StarCaptain90
Nah, I'm just happy to prove you wrong.
cloudrunner69 t1_jeevkd0 wrote
Reply to Today I became a construction worker by YunLihai
Hey good for you. Hope it works out well.
cloudrunner69 t1_jeevci9 wrote
Reply to comment by ididntwin in 🚨 Why we need AI 🚨 by StarCaptain90
>No one cares about your predictions
I care.
cloudrunner69 t1_jctzy90 wrote
Reply to comment by Frumpagumpus in Earthly friends : What's the plan ? by IntroVertu
technological advancement is not an unknown
cloudrunner69 t1_jctvvr4 wrote
Reply to comment by Frumpagumpus in Earthly friends : What's the plan ? by IntroVertu
But you don't know what other technology might come along in the future that could make a Dyson sphere obsolete.
cloudrunner69 t1_jctsjii wrote
Reply to comment by Frumpagumpus in Earthly friends : What's the plan ? by IntroVertu
If humanity ever reached a point where it was advanced enough to build a Dyson sphere then wouldn't humanity also then have technology advanced enough so we wouldn't need to build a Dyson sphere?
cloudrunner69 t1_j9akgy1 wrote
Reply to comment by Bakagami- in What happens when ASI meets Aliens? by Ashamed-Asparagus-93
Well I kind of agree though not completely. Who really knows these things. Anyway I better go, just had a sudden traumatic experience and I think I'm in shock, not sure if I can continue this right now. Thanks anyway for watering it all down for me to understand.
cloudrunner69 t1_j9acdlf wrote
Reply to comment by Bakagami- in What happens when ASI meets Aliens? by Ashamed-Asparagus-93
> No wonder you're opposing education as a solution
Where did I say I oppose it?
>I don't think I can simplify this any further for you.
I'm not asking you to simplify anything. I'm asking you to explain what the statement means. But let me simplify the obvious for you - What kind of education is needed to solve criminal behavior?
cloudrunner69 t1_j9ab5hl wrote
Reply to comment by Bakagami- in What happens when ASI meets Aliens? by Ashamed-Asparagus-93
>I'm not saying the cause of criminality is a lack of education. Education is the solution.
All I asked is for you to explain what this statement means. You haven't done that.
Because holy shit no one on Earth would have read that statement and thought to themselves it must mean this:
>As you by now understand as well, criminality is complex and multifaceted. There are countless reasons for why somebody would potentially do something that could harm somebody else. There are evolutionary reasons, poverty, fear, security concerns, potentially hundreds of psychological reasons, and many many more we're not aware of.
>Now what's the next step? We can ask why. Why do we have evolutionary biases pushing us to do crimes? Why is there poverty? Why is there [insert issue]?
>You notice, these are all very complex questions in and of themselves. But if you can answer these, if only partially, you can move on to the next step.
cloudrunner69 t1_j9a8pu0 wrote
Reply to comment by Bakagami- in What happens when ASI meets Aliens? by Ashamed-Asparagus-93
Ok I see what's happening now and why it's so frustrating. It's all political word salads. No wonder you can't give straight answers - you have no answers.
cloudrunner69 t1_j9a6f43 wrote
Reply to comment by Bakagami- in What happens when ASI meets Aliens? by Ashamed-Asparagus-93
> I'm not saying the cause of criminality is a lack of education. Education is the solution.
Expand on that statement then. Give a proper explanation as to what it means rather than just saying shit and expecting people to accept it as fact and then blaming them for misunderstanding your ambiguity.
cloudrunner69 t1_j9a4ga7 wrote
Reply to comment by Bakagami- in What happens when ASI meets Aliens? by Ashamed-Asparagus-93
No, your original comment was wrong and ambiguous.
So here's what you should have said genius: The more likely someone is educated the more likely someone is to get employment, the more likely someone has employment and earning money the less likely they will be committing crime and stealing money. This would be applying to studies down on those living around poverty levels.
But there is no reason in anyway to suggest people who are more educated and experienced are less likely to commit crime because educated people commit crimes all the time, criminal behavior is driven by greed, lust, jealousy and all those good things, even those with plenty still want more. White collar crime is rampant throughout the corporate, political and banking industry and to dismiss that by pretending that people in those industries are just loud and less educated is nothing but ignorance.
In conclusion and as I have already said your original comment is nothing but nonsensical bullshit.
>you missunderstood my position from the very start
You made an open ended statement and are now blaming me for misunderstanding it?
cloudrunner69 t1_j9a2sci wrote
Reply to comment by Bakagami- in What happens when ASI meets Aliens? by Ashamed-Asparagus-93
Ok you did say those things. Because that is what I'm discussing, those original statements, not the one you just came up with in order to dodge the question.
So i'll say it again. What do those original statements mean exactly and how can those statements be in anyway reasonable when people who are educated and experienced partake in criminal activity? Who are you talking about when you say criminal behavior is seen less and less when people grow in both education and experience?
cloudrunner69 t1_j9a1pd9 wrote
Reply to comment by Bakagami- in What happens when ASI meets Aliens? by Ashamed-Asparagus-93
So you never said this?
>We can clearly observe that stealing is inversely proportional with the level of education someone has.
or this?
>(criminal) behaviour is seen less and less as the person grows in both experience and level of education.
cloudrunner69 t1_j9a084f wrote
Reply to comment by Bakagami- in What happens when ASI meets Aliens? by Ashamed-Asparagus-93
> I did not say the educated don't steal
You said that behavior is seen less and less as the person grows in both experience and level of education. So what exactly does that mean then?
You're speaking like it's a law of nature or something, that the more people are educated and experienced the less they steal. And you are also trying to pretend that actual criminals are less intelligent than others. What you are saying makes no sense and it is complete bullshit.
cloudrunner69 t1_j99yhdg wrote
Reply to comment by Bakagami- in What happens when ASI meets Aliens? by Ashamed-Asparagus-93
So rich people and politicians are not experienced and educated?
I think you're the one who is making outlandish exaggerations. Because saying experienced and educated people don't steal is absolute fucking bullshit.
cloudrunner69 t1_j99sp3c wrote
Reply to comment by Bakagami- in What happens when ASI meets Aliens? by Ashamed-Asparagus-93
>This behaviour is seen less and less as the person grows in both experience and level of education.
It's true, some of the richest well educated people alive today are also some of the most ethical and selfless people who do nothing but give back to society and in no way treat humanity and the planet like their own personal playground to do what ever the fuck they want. If only we could all be as wise and educated as the CEO's of the glorious mega-corporations and their political lapdogs then the world would be a much better place.
cloudrunner69 t1_j8mbs6p wrote
Reply to We don't need AGI for the Singularity to happen. We need ultra-powerful Simulators. by IluvBsissa
>a millions of Einsteins by themselves would never be able to deduce what's going on exactly in a cell, it's just too messy and unpredictable.
Well yeah, cause Einstein wasn't a cell biologist.
cloudrunner69 t1_j7tthcl wrote
We should totally just destroy everything in nature and replace it with robotic equivalents.
cloudrunner69 t1_j7khy5g wrote
Reply to comment by Evil_Patriarch in 200k!!!!!! by Key_Asparagus_919
Don't worry too much about it, Reddit will be gone in a few years anyway once everyone gets their sexy personal AI assistant.
cloudrunner69 t1_j7khl04 wrote
Reply to comment by diener1 in 200k!!!!!! by Key_Asparagus_919
Supposedly from microscopic organisms hanging around underwater hydrothermal vents.
cloudrunner69 t1_j6iib5s wrote
Reply to comment by redeggplant01 in Chinese Search Giant Baidu to Launch ChatGPT-Style Bot by Buck-Nasty
Fucking hell it is not communism. So just stop already. Even though people don't own the land people do own the buildings. There are property developers in China who make a fortune renting/leasing to the Chinese people. This is not communism.
cloudrunner69 t1_j6ihdp5 wrote
Reply to comment by redeggplant01 in Chinese Search Giant Baidu to Launch ChatGPT-Style Bot by Buck-Nasty
Go away.
cloudrunner69 t1_jeex5cr wrote
Reply to comment by ididntwin in 🚨 Why we need AI 🚨 by StarCaptain90
You don't find sexy cyborgs attractive. What the hell is wrong with you?