
colonel_batguano t1_jeal6v9 wrote

Have had NJM since I started driving, which was well into the last century. I would recommend without question. I have to wonder if some of the bad reviews are paid bots from insurance agents that represent other companies.

I’ve had no issues getting a person on the phone, if I have a claim, I get a dedicated representative to deal with and I can call or email them. They pay ME as the policyholder very quickly. I’ve not had to deal with them on the other end of getting paid by someone else’s policy (I always though that with NJ being a no-fault state, I just deal with my insurance, and let them fight with the other one)

For homeowners, I have the chance to adjust my policy every year, so I make sure I have enough coverage.

I just had to make some adjustments on my auto policy and always got someone on the phone within 2 minutes and got my issues taken care of right away.


colonel_batguano t1_j2dsdtk wrote

This is how government tries to effect change for things they don’t have the legal authority, or legislative will, to regulate.

Outlawing gasoline cars would not pass the legislature in NJ, and isn’t practical with the current state of the charging network. So tax incentives are used to encourage more electric cars, which will cause more demand for a better charging network. This is simply good policy, and is done for many other reasons as well.

What is ridiculous is how Tesla owners think they are somehow special and shouldn’t need front license plates like the rest of us, just because they drive an iPad controlled by a megalomaniac billionaire.


colonel_batguano t1_j1v1ebf wrote

My kids pediatrician was an independent practice for a long time. What finally drive them to join one of the major groups (summit medial) was the cost of switching to electronic medical records, which was being mandated.

Now they aren’t allowed to refer to any specialists outside Summit Medical which is super annoying.


colonel_batguano t1_iug7sr3 wrote

As a pet owner, this infuriates me.

This sounds like a story that would be ripe for “7 on your side” or some similar local news segment and I bet the new owners would much prefer to not be outed on the local news as the assholes who refuse to return a pet to its home and family.