
t1_ja69nez wrote

The whole western corridor of the state is underrated (Burrillville down to Bradford/Charlestown).

It’s the only part of the state where you still have a reasonable chance at buying an affordable house. Not much traffic, and it’s easy to get to Providence/the heart of the state (maybe with the exception of Burrillville and Foster).

The schools are generally good, the crime is low, and you’re much closer to most outdoor activities than the rest of the state (the West is littered with Audobon preserves, state management areas, lakes, ponds, and more).

And if you’re into it, the pace of life is more relaxed. Though they’re everywhere, you’re less likely to deal with aggressive and dangerous drivers simply because there’s less cars.

If you can look past the political atmosphere (and even that isn’t really that bad, Burrillville voted the most for Trump of all the towns at only 57.5%, Biden won Richmond, and Trump carried Exeter by less than a point), it’s really a great part of the state.


t1_j98d1eb wrote

There’s generally not much news to a car fire. 99% of the time, the driver and passengers get out. And if the car isn’t up against something, there’s really not a ton of risk for anyone involved if the fire department knows what they’re doing.

Unless someone gets video of it and submits it (they do look pretty bad), there’s really no point in a news site investing time and effort in writing a story. It’s a glorified 1-car accident with no injuries. There’s probably at least a dozen of those in the state each day. You don’t hear about them unless someone is seriously hurt or killed, or the news sites luck out and get a good video submitted from the public.


t1_j8fodfn wrote

I find NBC 10 is the best. Their website is miles better than Channel 12’s, and they do a better job of covering what I’m interested in. I never really thought PBS did local news. And I don’t think many people watch ABC, it always seems like 10 and 12 are the big 2.


t1_j8bg0vp wrote

It’s not RIC’s location. It’s a prestige thing. URI is a flagship state school - RIC isn’t. URI has 14,500 undergrads to RIC’s 7,500 and 3500 grad students to RIC’s 1500. URI is D1 sports across the board. RIC IS D3.

Also, URI has a few relatively well-known programs (Oceanography/Ocean Engineering, Engineering, and Pharmacy). RIC isn’t really known for anything.

It’s not because it’s in “the bad part” of the state. If that was the case, schools like PC and JWU wouldn’t be as respected as they are.


t1_j69a1fi wrote

That’s a lot, wow.

It opens up almost everywhere. Your best bet is going to be either East Greenwich, Portsmouth/Jamestown/Little Compton, Barrington, and to a lesser degree, North Kingstown, South Kingstown, and Narragansett. Those are generally considered most of the best public school districts in the state. The homes are expensive, but with a budget of 1.2 million you’ll have a hard time going over budget.

There is other nice neighborhoods in other towns that you could certainly afford, but it’d probably be best to go there only if you’re okay with sending your kids to private school. Providence is a good example. The East Side is a wonderful neighborhood. But besides one school (Classical High School), the Providence Public Schools are a complete mess.


t1_j4nfscs wrote

You’ve got to do a lot to get URIPD to pull you over (much more than a regular cop). They’re notorious for doing as little work as possible. The cop wasn’t apologetic towards you, he was feeling sorry for himself that he had to actually do something. Probably wasn’t a slow roll through the stop sign, more a 20 mph coast that he couldn’t choose to ignore.

Regardless, it’s easy to get stuff expunged if you’re a good driver. You won’t have any trouble.


t1_j1o99h4 wrote

It’s sad, but nothing will change. No RI politician in their right mind is going to fight the Catholic Church (heck, half of them are Catholics in the first place). It’s probably the most powerful non-government entity in the state.

You’re probably being ignored because all the people in power don’t view your situation as abuse - they probably see a bitter Catholic kid pissed off they had to be an altar server, even though that’s far from the truth.


t1_j0o0mz6 wrote

Both are too small to effectively accommodate IEPs. Smithfield’s IEP and learning support consists of dumping all of the IEP kids into the same room and having the support staff do the assignments when the kids give up. The kids know this (at least in high school), and easily take advantage. North Smithfield won’t be much better, as they’re around half the size of Smithfield, and thus have half the resources.


t1_iyeo8up wrote

The one in the YouTube video is at the old quarry located next to Wolf Hill Forest Preserve. Not really a waterfall, just a rock face that gets occasional runoff. It super cool though, especially when the runoff freezes and it becomes covered in icicles.

The actual waterfall is at Ken Weber Conservation area near Waterman Lake. Same town but a decent distance apart.