derycksan71 t1_jadh0ow wrote
Reply to comment by HeyZuesHChrist in Moms for Liberty Bucks County Leaders Think Public Schools Are Trying to Bring Pedophilia Into the Classrooms by Open_Veins_8
Intent? Can you prove this? Unfortunately, public school systems have even higher rates of sexual abuse than private or church communities. Predators seek opportunity to work with children and they're in employment in every sector.
derycksan71 t1_j7x3aiv wrote
Reply to comment by LePouletMignon in Killer whale moms are still supporting their adult sons — and it's costing them by RestSnorlax
Scheme....ok. capitalism bad I get it.
derycksan71 t1_j7w5hnd wrote
Reply to comment by LePouletMignon in Killer whale moms are still supporting their adult sons — and it's costing them by RestSnorlax
So public ownership of the resources and production of capitalism? These are blended markets, some aspects such as publicly owned utilities, are implementation of socialism. It's not a negative.
derycksan71 t1_j7vjx07 wrote
Reply to comment by SmokinJunipers in Killer whale moms are still supporting their adult sons — and it's costing them by RestSnorlax
You mean the dams built by the US Army Corps of Engineers? Or the ones run by BC Hydro. I know it's cool to bash capitalism here but ffs, these hydro electric dams that block salmon spawning from CA to Alaska are primarily built and owned by the state, not "capitalism"
derycksan71 t1_ivn4l4e wrote
Reply to comment by Mercuryblade18 in Researchers have found that having more babies reduces the risk of endometrial cancer. by IMBatUQ
Prophylactic hysterectomy are typically only performed on women with high risk gene mutations. Three of the top mutations for endometrial cancer are also indicators for ovarian cancer, because of this, removal of ovaries and tubes are recommended when those genes are present.
We're getting into pretty individualized situations, not general prevention as this article is discussing.
derycksan71 t1_ivmwx9r wrote
Reply to comment by Mercuryblade18 in Researchers have found that having more babies reduces the risk of endometrial cancer. by IMBatUQ
Sure but we're talking about endometrial cancer prevention/treatment which the most effective treatment is a full hysterectomy. Even if an partial hysterectomy is performed it still does not prevent ovarian cancer which, while less common, is far more deadly.
The whole point of this study is the hormones introduced from pregnancy, particularly progesterone, are what have the benefit for cancer production. Hysterectomies are not typically performed for preventative care.
derycksan71 t1_ivk62ry wrote
Reply to comment by Confident_Bridge9811 in Researchers have found that having more babies reduces the risk of endometrial cancer. by IMBatUQ
Ok....conception isn't forced (excluding rape wich is illegal)
derycksan71 t1_ivj9jil wrote
Reply to comment by OhtareEldarian in Researchers have found that having more babies reduces the risk of endometrial cancer. by IMBatUQ
Nobody is forcing childbearing. However, I do highly encourage you do some research on hysterectomy before being nonchalant about the procedure. Early menopause and cardiovascular disease risks alone should be enough to realize, hysterectomies are a last resort option, not a default or preventative care.
derycksan71 t1_ivhmjbt wrote
Reply to comment by Buckwheat469 in Honda Electric Moped Coming - Step-through electric likely to be announced this year. by speckz
With 130ish mpg, what's the point besides noise? Love my trail 125 and my old ct's but I don't see the value, especially considering it'll likely double the cost.
derycksan71 t1_ivhlyc1 wrote
Reply to comment by floatyfungling in Researchers have found that having more babies reduces the risk of endometrial cancer. by IMBatUQ
Which introduced it's own set of risks and side effects. It's not something to be performed lightly.
derycksan71 t1_je1k51v wrote
Reply to comment by lifeintraining in The reason you were born is to be productive & exploited your whole life, as a reward you're sold freedom in years that you wouldn't be a productive worker anyway. by KHUSTOM
A productive member of society from a parent usually just means being self sufficient and not depending on others for their care/well being. If living in a forest is what you want, cool, just better be ready to support that lifestyle.