
deviltamer t1_itw8yr2 wrote

Bruh 7g on mushrooms And 1250 ug LSD ??

They're very different chemicals and experiences differ even at low doses. These doses seem only someone who's been abusing them can bear recreationally given how easy it is to lose tolerance for both drugs.


deviltamer t1_itw7pof wrote

I know you guys put disclaimers in most of the posts and say as far as we know in this one but it's still short in caution,imo

TL:DR There's not enough evidence if psilocybin can cause serotonin syndrome with SSRIs

But no doubt the risk is dose, person AND SSRI drug dependent.

Almost all popular psychedelics target serotogenic pathways including psilocybin.

SSRIs increase serotonin synaptic availability and so do psilocybin but you're right some SSRIs will block psilocybin effects but others can produce dangerous multiplicative effects.

Please donot mix brain altering chemicals especially unsupervised. Permanent neural disability can and does happen albeit rarely.

More likely is you'll have a traumatic experience and be adrift from a tool that could have really helped you clinically.


deviltamer t1_itw56oi wrote

It's atleast a moderate dose, i experienced ego death on it on my first trip with LemonTek

But with all drugs some people have more sensitivity plus there are so many other factors that we still don't know about. Blood pressure, hydration, food in the gut, all of these things can and do affect how strong somebody will experience a particular dose on a particular day.

Also your brain is a powerful thing, it makes things true that you believe in it, well sort of, physiologically. Placebos exist and so do Nocebos. Please seek support and talk about this trauma in a safe reflective manner.

Happy if you'd wanna DM and chat about your experience


deviltamer t1_ituvd9o wrote

Donot take them by yourself. Psychedelics donot work in absence of therapy. Therapy is an umbrella term. Therapy is you figuring out what's going on with you, your fears, anxiety, likes dislikes, compulsions obsessions AND then figuring a plan to address them.

Psychedelics are just tools to aid that. A blunt tool at that too.