
dontlookback76 t1_je46vbi wrote

I know. Just feels like it and a triple bypass, congestive heart failure, COPD and oygen for the foreseeable future make me feel like. I'll get better, just going to take some work. It's my own fault. My mental health was such that I was trying to kill myself through lifestyle. I wanted to die of a massive heart attack. I know I should have talked to my psychiatrist about it so that's on me. So all those health issues, having everything hurts because I spent my career doing trade work, and the nurses being so young and I just felt really old. I lived a really bad lifestyle too. I did the surgery for my wife and kids, but it's given me a new lease on life. Don't know why I'm spilling my guts. Thanks for reading if you did.


dontlookback76 t1_je36vs4 wrote

I'm 47 and just had a triple bypass. Most of my nurses were 24/25 years old, so young enough to be my daughter. They were all attractive and what made them more so was they were very caring, very empathetic, and incredibly intelligent and competent. They also had to wipe me down every day everywhere. And I do mean everywhere. You just have to have the attitude that they're nurses, they've seen and done everything, and it's all anatomy. And before the eww old man young lady thing, I find them attractive. I wouldn't want to have sex with them or fantasize about them , I'm more than happy with my wife of 26 years. Plus I honestly have zero desire for sex and probably won't for awhile.


dontlookback76 t1_ja39mlb wrote

Just leave her alone man. I know it's hard but you dumped her for someone else on the "love" holiday and are now coming back like she's a consolation prize. You may not think of it like that, and you probably don't intend it to be like that, but those are the optics.


dontlookback76 t1_iwuqrmd wrote

You didn't fuck up. Your girlfriend is a jealous bitch and the news reporter had no business being in the middle of it. If they're just doing it to fuck with you they're cruel. I would have a talk with the the girlfriend and tell her to grow up and pull her head out of her ass.