
dorelda t1_j184yoc wrote

When I had my folks living with me, I had a landline for their benefit. Both were highly intelligent people, but there was no way they’d have been comfortable with cell phones.

Not fully understanding a new technology can create social isolation. That is the last thing our elders need.

In addition, some VoIP providers may not be compatible with emergency alert services.

Try connecting to to see if there are communication programs for which your relative may be eligible, without having to change providers.

Best of luck!


dorelda t1_iyble0e wrote

Even though I get nothing with an antenna other than Maine PBS, the fees annoyed me enough that I dropped cable tv altogether, and went to a “slower” Internet.

I have Paramount+ for live Boston coverage, free Peacock through Comcast (as long as that lasts), and Hulu for watching next day. I can also catch NH news with free apps or online. I also support PBS and have the Passport.

I would love to get basic network “antenna” service, but even if it was free, the $27 fee is too much.

I’m happy to binge Midsomer Murders on Pluto, catching up on the episodes I missed. :)

Edit to add: Comcast pretty much has a monopoly here. No fiber option in my town.


dorelda t1_it5l1zm wrote

Reply to ENOUGH!!!!! by lizzybnh

At least they could make them interesting with rando voiceovers.

“I’m Candidate and I (voiceover on) SNIFF CRAYONS.”


dorelda t1_iqua522 wrote

It usually means pedestrians can use the walk button to cross, so use caution and be prepared to stop.

Right turn on red is okay after you come to a full stop and only if there isn’t a pedestrian in a crosswalk or traffic turning. If there’s a “no turn on red” sign, you can’t turn either.

Trying to get a “jump” on a pedestrian in the crosswalk is the fastest way to add points to your insurance.

At this time of year in Salem, just assume a cop is watching.

If you head up Maine way in your travels, just remember there’s no right turn on a steady red arrow. Otherwise, right on red after stop is fine.