Submitted by lizzybnh t3_y9ekzt in newhampshire

WMUR, I am sick to death of the back to back to back political ads that endlessly loop at every commercial break! I think it’s worse than ever. Do the candidates think this really makes people want to vote for them? There has to be a better way!!!



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CatMoreTofu t1_it72jjn wrote

End Citizens United. Unlimited Corporate and Anonymous/Dark Money is ruining this country and the ads on TV are just a small part of it.


Abitconfusde t1_it5h3qd wrote

I guess we could make a law limiting money in political campaigns and maybe publicly fund nominees. That would cut down on the noise and force candidates to debate in order to earn tge vote. But im old fashioned.


pottedmeat7910 t1_it5juue wrote

Citizens United would like to have a word with you over here.


Lords_of_Lands t1_it8umx6 wrote

We need that for lawsuits too. Both sides put money into a pool and each side can use half of that pool. No other funds can be used towards anything related to the lawsuit.


Nik_Guy t1_it5cg34 wrote

If only the donations could go to something more useful. Perhaps, shelters, canned goods . heating oil/LNG/PGS. Imagine the impact if all this political money was spent actually helping the communities in NH.


lizzybnh OP t1_it5gsmq wrote

Have been saying this for several years. Millions of dollars wasted as people are scrambling for food, healthcare, heating oil, etc.


Safetymanual t1_it72548 wrote

I’d rather see the politicians fight each other by spending on communities rather than spam ads on media and in the mail.


Cullen7777 t1_it6hvmp wrote

“You know, I wasn’t going to vote for “So&So” , but I changed my mind because of their endless barrage of TV ads and lawn signs” -No one ever


sound_of_apocalypto t1_it6z9bn wrote

Then why do they spend the money on those ads? Makes no sense to me either, but it must have some measurable effect.


CheliceraeJones t1_it7a3fh wrote

What if competitors paid for each other's ads and lawn signs to try to make one another more unbearably annoying than themselves


Cullen7777 t1_it9c8e7 wrote

You’re not actually suggesting that politicians spend money wisely, are you?

I can think of 31 trillion reasons you’re wrong


sound_of_apocalypto t1_ita1axp wrote

It’s not even really the politicians spending this money. It’s the people who hold profit above all else.


j_hawker27 t1_it71hum wrote

It was the 474th time hearing about heating oil that really changed my mind.


Safetymanual t1_it71t0g wrote

I get the same mailers from R’s and D’s constantly in the mail. The EXACT same ones. I’ve been averaging 20ish mailers a week lately. Waste of paper and resources.


teeeray t1_it566vh wrote

My solution was to stop watching WMUR entirely. That, plus YouTube Premium, and I never see political ads.


Sherlocksensei t1_it5cp78 wrote

I will still take the political ads over the god damn merchants auto ones. At this point even hearing the first syllable I punch the power button.


sndtech t1_it5hubv wrote

WMUR must give political ads first booking. FCC requires it I believe. My company is trying to run ads but they told us don't bother to set anything up as nearly every time slot is full of political ads already.


downArrow t1_it67rl4 wrote

Political ads are a goodly chunk of WMUR's revenue this year. And many other media outlets.


GoblinShark603 t1_it6pqt8 wrote

I've always heard that they get heavily discounted ad space as well as priority.


sndtech t1_it8e4u5 wrote

Political ads must be charged the same as the lowest regular advertisement for a time period before the campaign. Which is why TV stations don't discount the few months before or they offer regular ads "package deals" that include discounts but it's worded so it's not the rate that's discounted.


BowTiedAgorist t1_it5fzfv wrote

Between political ads and constant hiv\anti-depressant drug peddling I dropped hulu.

I use uBlockOrigin so I haven't seen an ad on Youtube in... like ever. I just make it a point to patreon my favorite content creators where I can.

The mountain of political mailers, flyers, on my door are likely going to end up shredded and dumped in the floor at my local post office with all the other pre-sorted garbage this year.

The door knockers I get living in metro-boston makes me wish the "No Solicitation" sign on my porch was enforceable by baseball bat.

Its a whole ass industry and the over consumption of politics is making us worse as a society.


Regulator275 t1_it5n1zh wrote

Ads on Hulu SUCK!


BowTiedAgorist t1_it5ngvm wrote

My favorite rotation was gay dating app -> HIV\Prep Ad -> Depression Meds

Like... all I wanted to do was enjoy an edible and watch the Orville...


dorvann t1_it7fyqt wrote

At least WMUR has toned down its promotion of Chaos & Kindness!!!


chi_rho_ t1_it5i82z wrote

I approve this message


figment1979 t1_it6xs16 wrote

It's not just WMUR, it's literally every entertainment channel on the planet, including cable/satellite, YouTube, and streaming services where the user hasn't paid to remove ads. It is worse than ever and it amazes me how they think anybody is influenced one way or the other by that garbage.

Edit to add: As other commenters have mentioned, the mailed political ads alone should be keeping the USPS afloat for the next decade at least. I get AT LEAST five of them a day. And of course if it's happening here, it's happening everywhere else in the country too.


Nicbudd t1_it72ges wrote

In New Hampshire, during some parts of the year, an AdBlocker is necessary to be able to use the internet, especially watch YouTube


smartest_kobold t1_it59unc wrote

How else will you learn that Maggie Hassan is sending a billion dollars to the Boston Bomber?


Tai9ch t1_it5h4m2 wrote

This is the most important election in history!

If Bolduc gets elected, he'll ban abortion and social security!

If Hassan gets elected, she'll ban guns and gasoline!


greenasinapple t1_it7blmo wrote

Wait I thought Obama already banned guns, Trump cancelled social security, and Biden made gas illegal... I just can't keep up with all the fear mongering I guess.


Lords_of_Lands t1_it8ubxq wrote

> I just can't keep up with all the fear mongering

That must be scary, being ignorant of what might happen.


dorelda t1_it5l1zm wrote

At least they could make them interesting with rando voiceovers.

“I’m Candidate and I (voiceover on) SNIFF CRAYONS.”


gordonfactor t1_it6mvwq wrote

Mailbox is filled with negative ads every day. Makes me want everyone to lose!


beyond_hatred t1_it6ryr1 wrote

This is what we deserve for allowing too much money, from inappropriate sources, to get into politics. I'll bet 80% of the funding for these comes from out of state.


Cayslayy t1_it6zltg wrote

I just got the mail after 3 days being gone- one bill and 17 political mailers.

Does anyone even read those fucking things? “Here, you throw this away” is more like it. What a waste.


Lords_of_Lands t1_it8u3nl wrote

I get around 1 a day in Manchester. What things are you guys signing up to?


Cayslayy t1_it8yig8 wrote

ONE!? Lucky. You don’t sign up for this shit, you get it whether you like it or not.


wickedsmaaaht t1_itbobvq wrote

Registered as independent - I get alllll the mailers. So does my spouse. It's so much waste.


FreezingRobot t1_it7g4k5 wrote

This is why you should never give politicians any money at the state or federal level. It just goes into ads like this. Give your money to charity instead.


nicefacedjerk t1_it8ay6b wrote

Mailbox is filled everyday with political flyers. Such a wasteful practice.


Fantastic-Surprise98 t1_it8epfa wrote

The root cause is the money in politics. Especially the unlimited from the rich and corporations that can hide their massive donations.


Open_Analysis_8930 t1_it8qeao wrote

Man, the godsend is DVR… Whomever invented it deserves a Nobel Peace prize. Its better than the wheel, pizza and beer although the DVR does not go as well with beer like pizza, its still up there with Mother Theresa. No political ads. No any product ads. Instead of 30 minutes of tv, you cut it down to 22. Skip the weather because you live in NH, who gives a shit. Winter is cold. Put your snowplow on. Summer is hot. Take the plow off if you feel like it. I guarantee thats all you need to know. Speed through the show until you see Trump and although I’m a Republican it’s always fun to see what goofy things come out of his mouth. As a matter of fact, thats your news for this year. Go out and play on your tractor.


icedcornholio t1_it8qwti wrote

Yeah that’s great but how else will we know that Don Bolduc fought terrorists on horseback?


Fizzle_Fazzle t1_it8ryc8 wrote

I laughed so fucking hard the first time I saw that ad.


lizzybnh OP t1_it9i83a wrote

I can’t help but imagining him riding alongside a shirtless Putin! What a horrible image!


Vivmac00 t1_itc5txf wrote

Haha! Exactly what I pictured - I figured I wouldn't be the only one, but it's nice to have confirmation!


TiredCr0codile t1_it6rcie wrote

How about the mail? I get 4-5 political letters a day


rochvegas5 t1_it6v0y0 wrote

I got 6 pieces of mail yesterday and they were all political fliers


RCArtworks t1_it6vkn3 wrote

I live in an apartment building and every day my mail box is crammed with political flyers. It’s insane! I forgot to check the mail one day and after 2 days of mail the crap just burst out when I opened it. I feel bad for USPS. That’s like 3x the extra mail and so much wasted paper.


Minkabert t1_it8cvms wrote

This is also what happens when parties run on a single issue. Every Dem ad is about abortion and every Repub ad is about inflation. That lends to the annoying repetition.


quintk t1_iti0u3a wrote

Eh political advertising has been obnoxious for years, not just this one. The “problem” is that NH is regularly competitive so outside groups produce ads and give money for ads. I used to live in a very blue area (80% Obama) and I assume the same is in very red areas: once you are past the primaries it’s not worth it for outsiders or national groups to spend much money on tv ads or flyers. There was so much less advertising (like I’d only get a 4 or 5 mailers per year). People trying to influence elections prioritize close races.


-Codfish_Joe t1_it5btxr wrote

Look on the bright side: the jewelry ads that are on the way will make you look back fondly at these election ads.


starista t1_it85i23 wrote

“…how to make her Christmas a truly memorable one…”


real_live_mermaid t1_it5dqri wrote

Had to stop watching both NH and MA Chronicle because if all the ads. Ridiculous!


a1234321 t1_it5dupj wrote

I find it funny that its always Bolduc followed by Hassan or visa versa.

Just squirting out ads hoping someone cares without any nuance on the content being aired potentially targeting their demographic.


leogodin217 t1_it5lfb1 wrote

Might I recommend podcasts and Spotify


KingBubbaBouy1 t1_it9baum wrote

There is a better way.. record your TV so you can just FF the commercials…..


Ok_Sky_7029 t1_iterpo3 wrote

Even better, pass the recordings through MCEBuddy first.


Veebearz t1_it59ewo wrote

I have been getting so many in my mailbox too. Nice try, I throw that shit out as quick as it comes. Stop wasting paper to trash talk. Also stopped looking at WMUR because it's so loud as well. Can't even mute or turn it down.


lizzybnh OP t1_it5b2qu wrote

I don’t even look at the ads - right in the recycle bin.


overdoing_it t1_it6uhp3 wrote

Went to my parents house for supper and they had wheel of fortune and jeopardy on, every 10 minutes it was nonstop ads for Massachusetts ballot initiatives, every single one with really exaggerated Boston accents. "I'm a fahmah"


Arthur-Morgans-Beard t1_it6wkkv wrote

It's insane. I saw one against Jared Golden the other day that had a CGI version of Biden saying shit, I'm sure a 60 year old with bad vision will know that it isn't real...


IBlazeMyOwnPath t1_it7mz03 wrote

on my desktop its fine but on youtube on my iPhone its ridiculous

same deal, every ad break is one of our major federal races


movdqa t1_it5sksl wrote

I just watch WMUR on YouTube, and don't see any political ads.


se7en1216 t1_it6vryl wrote

It's everywhere.

I received 11 pieces of mail yesterday. One bill, one solicitation for a credit card, and 9 pieces of political advertisement.

Listen to 5 minutes of radio on the way to work, most of that time is interrupted by political ads.


NewPhoenix77 t1_it7xqb7 wrote

Hold on for one more day, things will go your way!


CollectionLow1986 t1_it8vlrk wrote

Ahh, yes. The great New Hampshire Propaganda Plagues, usually around Novembers, for the obvious reasons…

WMUR, however, has been spewing it for three solid years. Glad I’m not the only one out here shouting them down. They really are shameless.


TheDiceMan2 t1_it6plze wrote

sister i am in a whole entirely different state and all i see every other tv commercial is maggie hassan maggie hassan don bolduc omg


Whynotyours t1_it70umz wrote

It’s called an off button.


lizzybnh OP t1_it73smj wrote

I am only making an observation. I am sick to my stomach over all of the wasted money and resources. I really don’t want to vote for any of them.


dc551589 t1_it7u42r wrote

Please don’t let stupid ads stop you from learning about the candidates and voting! You can easily go on their websites and read their plans. In most cases only one will actually have a plan but that should be all the information you need to see who’s interested in governing and who’s interested in spreading hate and fear.


WeevilKnivel t1_it8a9r6 wrote

Dude it’s obnoxious. It accomplishes the opposite for me.


Fizzle_Fazzle t1_it93eck wrote

During the Bruins games they've been playing political ads from NH, MA and ME. If I forget to mute the TV or misplace the remote it's exhausting. I only watch WMUR clips on haystack and I never watch the ads so I'm safe from that shit show.


Americ-anfootball t1_itb577r wrote

for real. every single commercial break I get on ESPN+ is two Hassan commercials, two Bolduc commercials, without fail.

The only problem is, I live just over the river in Vermont. Even if I liked either one of you troglodytes, I can't help ya


smallboxofcrayons t1_itknesu wrote

Is it WMUrs fault or the campaigns/pacs that spend the money advertising there? As much as I hate it I thinks it’s more the latter.


FishermanNervous7682 t1_it56fta wrote

They run them after the polls close . I see them on Youtube also.


lizzybnh OP t1_it5b72q wrote

The number of ads is getting worse every year.


Doug_Shoe t1_it6qxde wrote

I'm pretty sure people notice empty wallets and empty heating fuel tanks more than political ads.


Clear_Attempt452 t1_it6t0c3 wrote

I’m waiting for a item I ordered last Friday that I was supposed have Tuesday and still don’t have it. Talked to the company I bought it from and they said the political add bullshit in the mail is clogging up the whole mail system. Infuriating


WanderingMindTravels t1_it91p4t wrote

Political advertising certainly is excessive, although that's just one problem with our political system. Seeing all the comments made me curious about a few things.

  • Do you regularly vote all the way down the ballot?
  • How do you decide who to vote for, straight party or by their positions on issues you care about?
  • What would you prefer to hear from candidates?

PtrWalnuts t1_it9ssp3 wrote

Dude just find a better station on your f****** radio. It's not go online and check out the internet there's like a billion free radio stations out there. Most of them are better than that one you're listening to


WalrusBungler t1_itj8thn wrote

It’s super annoying since I hate all of them, but will probably vote for Don. With the gun shit going on I don’t trust any democrat in the senate and I am a huge 2A supporter. I agree with Maggie Hassan on a lot and Don on others, but gun rights are the most important thing to me rn. This current administration is a mess and the last thing i want is for them to have more control.


akmjolnir t1_it6xpja wrote

Stop watching/listening to them?


PoTheRedTeletubby t1_it6sz2w wrote

Wmur is just straight up propaganda. It's your own fault for watching it.


ipxodi t1_it725uq wrote

Not to mention, just straight-out bad reporting.

"No one covers NH like we do." Yeah, cause everyone else literally does it better. I see NH news stories reported on NBC10 Boston/NECN sometimes DAYS before WMUR reports on it.

I watch it for the weather mostly.


PoTheRedTeletubby t1_itamq2m wrote

WMUR just straight up click baits all their headlines and has no actual information in their stories. Like just the other day they were reporting on the construction sign in Manchester that someone hacked to put FJB on and they spent 5 minutes dancing around what happened as to not admit that people dislike the guy who can't remember what day it is pretending to be the president. I see a headline for a major crash or drug raid online and want to know more and 90% of the time their story is either one sentence or a paragraph of absolutely nothing substantial. They couldn't give people facts even if they had a gun to their head it's pathetic...


quintk t1_iti1suf wrote

Seriously speaking I’ll take advice here. I usually prefer newspapers but I haven’t been impressed by the local offerings (I live in Nashua) so I do use the WMUR website (I don’t watch it). What’s do you think is good for local news? I’m willing to pay (assuming there’s a website or app, I’m not doing actual paper or tv it’s 2022 lol).


ipxodi t1_itqypyy wrote

As I alluded to above, i prefer NBC10 Boston and their sister station NECN.

They cover all of New England pretty well (especially NECN) and don't have the oh-my-god-we're-all-gonna-die POV that WMUR and ABC in general seen to have.


lizzybnh OP t1_it6x1lu wrote

I turn it on for the local weather and my husband for sports. Yeah, we could do all that online. Our own fault.


TurnoverTall t1_it7342w wrote

This. I long ago gave up on correct spelling, correct graphics or video for a particular story or Erin actually getting through “reporting” without clearing her throat ten times. The standards for this channel are nonexistent.


lizzybnh OP t1_it74348 wrote

But, it’s from Manchester, NH, not LA, Chicago, Boston, etc. Small fish in a big pond so I don’t expect world class reporting.


TurnoverTall t1_it74go5 wrote

How about ANY class! I do hear what you are saying, but come on, spelling? Can’t we at least make the effort there?


PoTheRedTeletubby t1_it6tdag wrote

The reason you're seeing so many ads is because the dem party is flooding NH specifically with outside money and resources because some of the races are close. It's not actually Hassan that's funding the tons of Hassan ads it's the DNC and PP hiding behind the curtain.


figment1979 t1_it6xvz7 wrote

Hate to break it to you, but it's not exclusive to the democrats. The Maine channels have just as many ads against the democrats as they do for them, and a very low percentage of them are "Paid for and authorized" by the candidate themselves.


tyrone6619 t1_it5njgl wrote

Fuck Maggie Hassan and the nonstop crucifixion of these commercials. I’m voting for the other person just because of this BS. HOLY SHIT STOP ALREADY


Wild-Pineapple6976 t1_it5pbfd wrote

> I’m voting for the other person just because of this BS

Sure you are, dude that rants about George Soros.


lizzybnh OP t1_it5oupw wrote

Good grief - the other guy is just as bad. Plus, people should look beyond these ads to find out what the candidates really stand for. Some of these ads are backed by Pacs that are not even based in NH so I wouldn’t base my vote on any of the ads.


NetHacks t1_it6rkql wrote

Yes, the guy who would accept a mother's death rather than allow an abortion for medical reasons is just as bad.


FaustusC t1_it5zoyx wrote

I mean.

I've heard more about Bulldog or Dogdick whatever his name is policies than I have Hassan's. Every Hassan add is about abortion. I literally have not heard a single one that wasn't ABORTION. DID YOU KNOW ABORTION. ABOOOOOORTION. So like. I'm not going out of my way to dig, if all your supporters are willing to pay to tell me about is a single issue, I'm comfortable assuming that's all they and you care about.


NetHacks t1_it6rikj wrote

It's probably because buldoc has said multiple times he supports a national abortion ban with zero exceptions on it. Life of the mother or the baby, doesn't matter. And he also said he basically wouldn't certify an election that his party didn't win.


FaustusC t1_it6u8ps wrote

🤷 Meh. I've also heard pro police, won't vote with biden 97% of the time and a few other things.

But. Literally all I've heard about Asshan is Abortion, so like. I'll go with the person who sounds like they give a shit about a few things over the person advertising one.


NetHacks t1_it6un14 wrote

So, in your opinion it's okay that we just let women die from preventable reasons, as long as the candidate supports the police and won't vote with Biden, regardless as to whether it's a good idea Biden is voting for or not. And you lot wonder why everyone thinks you're pieces of shit?


FaustusC t1_it6x2y8 wrote

You know why I've never been attacked by a bear? I don't go into the woods. It's literally just as easy to avoid needing an abortion.

As I said: can't name anything else she's for so, I'd literally vote for a handpuppet instead of her at this point. Also, Biden is partially responsible for our energy crisis and is literally degrading every public appearance. I've agreed with a few of his decisions but for the most part it seems like we don't align.

You lot screech like banshees about single issues while acting like children while ignoring genuine concerns that affect everyone.


CheliceraeJones t1_it7avm4 wrote

>I don't go into the woods.

NH is over 85% forested. You basically just admitted you don't go outside.


NetHacks t1_it79uwd wrote

So, no women should get pregnant then? Because most abortions are performed because of a fetal anomaly, or a risk to the mothers life. You know abortions aren't just performed because someone wants to not have a kid. Most abortions are performed on women who actually wanted a kid, but it was going to kill them, or the child wouldn't survive. Literally all we are asking is that medical decisions stay with patients and doctors. But as you said, women's lives don't matter you as long as you get to won the libs. And that's why people like you are fucking disgusting human being. Your willing to play politics with peoples fucking lives. It's a single issue, but it's a fucking big single issue. I don't want my daughter to have to potentially die some day because some piece of shit like you thinks her life isn't that important.


FaustusC t1_it7a59i wrote

Bull shit. Most abortions are performed for discretionary reasons, not medical. It's literally less than 10% where the mother is at risk. Stop lying, you numpty.

I hope you teach your daughter actions have consequences so she's never in the situation to begin with, but, if you raise her like you lie, well, I'm sure she'll be just as intelligent as you and that's not a compliment.



NetHacks t1_it7b9da wrote

Okay, so even going by your numbers those 10 percent should just die.


FaustusC t1_it7bno2 wrote

No. Ideally, they'd receive adequate care.

But I mean. If they engaged in a behavior that's known to have risks and died from a complication, that's on them.

If I go free climbing and fall, who's to blame? Me or the rocks at the bottom?


NetHacks t1_it7gi10 wrote

So, trying to have a family is an act that deserves death if there are preventable complications? And no, they wouldn't recieve adequate care under Buldocs complete ban. He's stated he doesn't believe in any exceptions. And if you think it's a single issue that stops people from supporting the Republicans, there are way more issues.


bionicwaffle002 t1_it94q0m wrote

Abortion perspective aside, I am also inundated with Hassan ads...and she does have other ones that aren't about abortion. There was that one a month or two ago that ran all the time about rights for disabled people, a pro-police funding one, and an inflation one. All are very annoying, but it would be wrong to say that both candidate ads only cover one issue