duckforceone t1_jdzzkiv wrote
Reply to This Tiny Spoiler I Saw On A Car Today by ItsMehRuby
damn... hope i can get something like that for my next car...
duckforceone t1_jcjqdfp wrote
Reply to comment by quintk in FCC orders phone companies to block scam text messages by QuantumFork
i registerred a website...
then i started getting scam calls every week...
Asked the website host/domain to please make my info private, or remove it, but they wouldn't do that.
duckforceone t1_j5xolif wrote
i suffer from depressions often, and more often in winter..
my d vitamin is never low, i don't take supplements anymore, and i rarely go outside...
and i don't even eat that much fish that often.. (fish sticks mostly)
bodies are weird...
and just before someone jumps in with diet tips..
i get them even when eating d vitamin, have a healthy diet and working out...
duckforceone t1_jedl49p wrote
Reply to LPT: Since April 1st is coming up. A good tip to live by is that everyone should be able to laugh at your prank at the end. If everyone ends up laughing at the person getting pranked, and they are just the punchline, chances are you're just being a jerk. Don't be a jerk. by moosepooo
i always do something that reads like an onion article...
the longer you read it, there more you realize it has to be a jok.