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dennydelirium t1_j5vvn7h wrote

This is really true. I've been taking vitamin d everyday and have way more energy


Abraxas_1134 t1_j5vyt58 wrote

Thus is absolutely true. I was depressed and sleepy all the time. Told my doctor. He told me to get some D3 and it’s been way better ever since.


Potterco24 t1_j5w1p4v wrote

Yup, started taking d3 two weeks ago and have more energy. Take with food


PrisonerV t1_j5vx8iy wrote

If you live north of the 40th parallel, you have a vitamin D deficiency and should take a supplement (at least in the winter).


JeffReyJR t1_j5wbz8a wrote

Let's say hypotheticaly I don't know where the 40th parallel is..


PrisonerV t1_j5wcc75 wrote

> I don't know where the 40th parallel is..

You could use this thing we call google to look it up. It's amazing!


send_cat_pictures t1_j5xoawd wrote

I found out about my vitamin D deficiency in the middle of summer in Phoenix, AZ. I loved going hiking and exploring the area the rest of the year, but when it's above 110° I avoided going outside.


Ludwig234 t1_j60mt9a wrote

I live around the 60th parallel and it feels like pretty much everyone's mood is shit during the winter.

Today, sunrise was at around 08:00 and the sunset was at around 15:50.

By sun I mean the sky got brighter. It's pretty rare to see the actual sun.

On the bright side, the day will at least be 4 minutes longer tomorrow.


Thedonitho t1_j5wi8ra wrote

I also have a light therapy lamp. It really works. I live near Boston and seasonal depression really does effect me. I use it a few hours a day.


NecessaryPen7 t1_j61yyks wrote

Checks out.

Vitamins, at best, are generally placebos.

Also near Boston, haven't tried light therapy yet. (Besides being in the sun as much as possible)


franktheguy t1_j5x0he0 wrote

I take a prescription of 10,000 IU a week and still have low levels. My body just hates the D, apparently.


Jahnknob t1_j5zvvas wrote

I take that daily. It's OTC so maybe not as strong. Doesn't seem to do too much.


p5eudo_nimh t1_j60x4pb wrote

Whoa. 10000 a week? I often take 10000 every day or two. Maybe I’m being foolish.


franktheguy t1_j60y9cq wrote

Sorry no, not 10,000 per week. I clarified in a different post, but I take 1 50,000 pill per week as prescribed by my doctor, and my blood work still shows low levels.


p5eudo_nimh t1_j616qtm wrote

Thanks for the clarification. I should have read further before replying.

Do you have a low-fat diet? I’m curious as to why your levels are still low. Also, do you have trouble sleeping?


franktheguy t1_j61eqru wrote

Nothing specifically different about my diet. I do have rheumatoid arthritis, and it is my rheumatologist that prescribes "the big D" for me. She says deficiency is common amongst RA patients.

I do have a lot of trouble sleeping, but I had that before taking the D. I just switched from trazodone to Quetiapine/Seroquel which has helped a lot.


p5eudo_nimh t1_j61g2d3 wrote

I’ve experienced similar. Minus the RA. Trazodone doesn’t seem to cut it some nights. And I usually wake up groggy. The new meds working without side effects?


franktheguy t1_j61j3tr wrote

More morning grogginess but less constipation. At least I can sleep through most of the night on the new one though.


srv524 t1_j5w5iwn wrote

I've been feeling like this for a few weeks now despite taking vitamin d for the last couple months. No energy, no motivation, all I wanna do is sleep, depressed.


Daveee5280 OP t1_j5wrpj3 wrote

Check your levels first. Either with your doctor or some sort of at home test. I suffered from seasonal depression for years despite taking supplements and spending time out in the sun. I recently got tested and my vitamin D levels were next to nothing. They gave me a shot right there and the difference it made was unbelievable. If your levels are normal then it may be something else. But ruling this out first is at least a start.


sirophiuchus t1_j5wfy3u wrote

Talk to your doctor about getting a blood test done. Could be something less common like a thyroid issue.


schroedingersnewcat t1_j5x6vt4 wrote

Saw my doc last week. I'm in the "critically deficient" category (which is nothing new).

Hello prescription.... for the record, the bottom of normal is 50. I am at 13. Back to 50,000 IU 3x a week.


puntite t1_j5xwrn0 wrote

I was at 8 a few years ago and idk how much I got but I had to take a tablespoon of liquid vitamin D once a week for 4 weeks :/ I feel like I should test my levels again.


Swineservant t1_j5x2tkd wrote

Vitamin D changed decades of hating winter for me. I can deal with sundown at like 4pm SO MUCH better now! Winters used to be soul crushing sometimes, now just inconvenient.


cheetonian t1_j5z5htw wrote

Even after taking regular vitamins and occasional D specific add-ons, my levels (in the summer) were still just below desired levels. I think most of the developed world is suffering from this


superkoning t1_j5wnzg9 wrote

> check your vitamin D levels

How do you check your vitamin D levels?


abx99 t1_j5wyyxm wrote

Your doctor can do a blood test. Depending on where you are, it should be pretty easy to get them to do it; just say something like "I've been feeling tired and down since winter (or whenever it started), and was wondering if we could check my vitamin D levels?"

It really is a good idea to go to the doctor first, to get the right dosage. If you're deficient, then you might need more than you think. A lot of people -- myself included -- didn't take enough the first few times and concluded that it wasn't doing anything, but found it life-changing once the right dose was found.


Daveee5280 OP t1_j5ws3y5 wrote

There are at home tests you can order online or your doctor/healthcare provider can probably test you as well.


Darkgale69 t1_j5xint6 wrote

I get depressed during summer now what


Gargomon251 t1_j60acwh wrote

I hate summer. My bedroom always gets so hot and the air conditioning doesn't reach that far down the hallway


ablissfulcup t1_j5yhhvl wrote

Yes! THIS and vitamin b-12 for me. Make sure to pair the vit. D with healthy fat to increase absorption.


keepthetips t1_j5vverl wrote

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Gargomon251 t1_j60a8nv wrote

What if I suffer from "seasonal depression" in summer?


ricardo9505 t1_j5vzn8h wrote

NYC, common knowledge to go for walks during the day in winter. Due to less sunlight in the day.


NecessaryPen7 t1_j61zb6u wrote

So why not go for walks at night in the winter since there's more sunlight?


tredollasign t1_j5xk7rx wrote

I’ve tried taking all types of vitamin D (and with K added) and every time it gives me brain fog and anxiety.

What gives ?


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sleauxmo t1_j5wvlba wrote

I THINK I NEED SOME D! Wait, not like that..


thebigfab t1_j5xel2z wrote

You need some brain that's what you need.


duckforceone t1_j5xolif wrote

i suffer from depressions often, and more often in winter..

my d vitamin is never low, i don't take supplements anymore, and i rarely go outside...

and i don't even eat that much fish that often.. (fish sticks mostly)

bodies are weird...

and just before someone jumps in with diet tips..

i get them even when eating d vitamin, have a healthy diet and working out...
