
ferocious_coug t1_j9q51c8 wrote

I went to Boston University then RVCC then Rutgers for undergrad and graduate school. I finished with $110k in student loan debt. Nearly all of it was HESAA NJCLASS loans at astronomical interest rates.

I was paying over $1k a month and eventually refinanced through SOFI to get my monthly payments down. In 2016 I had to put them in forbearance after losing my job. I decided to start my own business but it took me awhile to get back on my feet and after a year of forbearance they were about to continue payments, which I could not pay. I basically told them if we don't settle I'd file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy and you'd have to deal with chasing me for the next 10+ years to recoup it all.

They agreed to settle for $60k on a $100k balance and I took out a different type of loan with a much lower interest rate. Still pay $500+ a month but not to them! Small W. Fuck NJCLASS.