foolproofphilosophy t1_jdj21fi wrote
Reply to comment by wenestvedt in Family, friends mourn 2 killed in Cranston dirt bike crash by Addicted2GravyTears
Small tire contact patch to start with plus off-road lugs that further reduce the contact area leads to poor breaking performance on pavement.
foolproofphilosophy t1_j9z4zuj wrote
Reply to comment by glennjersey in We want answers, dammit! It's been 2 years, and I have been repeatedly tried. by kamikazekenny420
The suit was brought by a Tesla owner with a FKGAS plate.
foolproofphilosophy t1_j7s44en wrote
Reply to comment by majoroutage in Exonerees in Mass. state drug lab scandal want their seized property and money back by ak47workaccnt
I’m aware of the Goldberg Rule and in this case choose to ignore it.
foolproofphilosophy t1_j7rzff2 wrote
Reply to comment by ak47workaccnt in Exonerees in Mass. state drug lab scandal want their seized property and money back by ak47workaccnt
It’s like OJ Simpson: acquitted of murder but guilty of wrongful death because criminal and civil standards are different. Just ignore the part about how he had juries for each trial.
foolproofphilosophy t1_j7ryy11 wrote
Reply to Exonerees in Mass. state drug lab scandal want their seized property and money back by ak47workaccnt
Civil Asset Forfeiture is insane.
foolproofphilosophy t1_j69dj2u wrote
Reply to comment by Revolutionary_Bit_38 in Favorite RI bagels? by fill-in-theblank
I haven’t tried BG but can confirm that KK is excellent.
foolproofphilosophy t1_j69d9v5 wrote
Reply to comment by GreatAndPowerfulNixy in yes this is a real bill that has been introduced by Ministry_of__Truth
Feel free to add the makers of Neulasta to your list. If I did my math right it costs about 235x more than gold by weight. 0.6ml costs over $8k. And in my son’s case about 3/4 of each dose ended up in the trash.
foolproofphilosophy t1_j48tbep wrote
Reply to comment by mdurg68 in Share your opinion about Fane Tower by quinntronix
Providence sucks to drive through. I think that there will be more of what Fidelity did in Smithfield and what Citizens did in Johnston. Moving a short distance outside of Providence means a reasonable commute for a large swath of southern MA. Employers need an applicant pool. I’m still new to RI but those are my impressions.
foolproofphilosophy t1_j46sg00 wrote
Reply to comment by lagoongassoon in Share your opinion about Fane Tower by quinntronix
Is this development purely residential? From what I’ve seen RI should also be focusing on commercial space. As MA real estate gets more ridiculous people are moving farther and farther from the city. From my armchair it seems like RI is in a great position to attract workers from MA but is there office space for them to occupy?
foolproofphilosophy t1_jdklxqw wrote
Reply to comment by wenestvedt in Family, friends mourn 2 killed in Cranston dirt bike crash by Addicted2GravyTears
Yes. And the rubber compound. Tires made for dirt are very different than tires made for pavement.