
majoroutage t1_jeb7ifl wrote

>My municipality is reacting to the court case by considering pulling Citizen’s Time from meeting agendas. (So much for a win for free speech, huh?)

Sounds like a quick trip right back to court.

The American people have a right to redress their government with their greivences. Whether the government wants to hear it or not (obviously they don't) does not matter one bit.


majoroutage t1_je75gvy wrote

From what I've heard, it's a racket, and not one that is going to go quietly.

The one time I stopped on the Garden State Parkway to fill up, we had to wait for the attendants to get done with whatever illegal substances we totally didn't witness them inhaling and stumble their way back from the side of the garage.

These are definitely jobs that they can't just randomly hire and fire people, if you know what I mean.