
freakame t1_istwqyu wrote

> The 2021 rate (of violent crimes) is still 16% lower than a decade ago.

so it has decreased overall. yes, murders are up, that's not good, but having a meltdown over "increases in crime" over small sample windows isn't a logical way to view this. there are also a lot of issues with using a HIGHLY unusual set of years for comparisons. forceable rape went up in 2020 from 2019, then down in 2021 from 2020. is that significant? probably as significant as the murder numbers...

please do also note that cops have shown that they lie about numbers when it suits them. you have to immediately question the police as the source for this because there are no checks on their data, they refuse to release sources or information about how they get to these numbers, you just have to trust them. (believe me, I've FOIAd this kind of info before, they're assholes about it).

this is the data:

that tells you fuck all about anything. it's a number in a table, no records, no arrest reports, no conviction rates, nothing to give it meaning.